lets keep it between us

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you don't know what to do you hear the voices chatting but you're not sure if you should walk out and say hi, or if you should stay in the room and wait for Logan to tell you to go.

(Y/n)pov: honestly idk what I'm doing I'm dressed but, I know I'm in Logans appartment even tho I'm not sure how I got here, or how everything really happened but I'm here, I'm not sure how to deal with this situation, I mean its not my first time but it is the first time that it happens with someone I'm not in a relationship with OMG I wonder what is going through Logans mind right now, like does he think I'm easy OMG I'm so stressed an nervous ugh.

Logan pov: omg I really hope (Y/N) doesn't walk out of my room at least not yet, mark is here and we are talking about doing another skit, but honestly I can't think about that right now, I mean last night was great, and I think I really like (Y/N) but I just think we might have moved a bit to fast idk, OMG I wonder what she is thinking right now does she think I'm a F**kboy, maybe she thinks that I took advantage of the situation, OMG I love mark to death but I really need him to leave right now.


Logan: uh yes whats up

Mark: Logan were you even listening to me, I have being standing here trying to explain to you things about my skit and asking for ideas but it seems like your head is in the clouds.

Logan: yeah sorry mark is just right now I have a lot to deal with how about we talk about this later right now I need to solve something really important.

Mark: okay but are you okay you seem nervous.

Logan: yeah I'm fine its just life you know sometimes things happen.

Mark: okay then I will be leaving

(Logan walks him to the door and once they say bye they give each other their bro hug)

meanwhile you decided to go into Logans restroom and fix your hair, your just standing in front of the mirror fixing your hair when you receive a text from Katy, and you hear Logan walk in the room.

Logan: hey


(awkward silence)

Logan:sighs so I need to talk to you about what happened

(Y/N): yeah me too

Logan: yeah so I think no one else should know

(Y/N): (for a moment I thought he was going to say something else but once those words came out of his mouth I felt my heart shattered a little but if thats what he wants then I guess ill go with that) yeah I think keeping it between us would be the best

Logan: yeah its just I think this should have never happened I guess we got caught up in the moment and one thing lead to another and then here we are, and I know it will be the best for us and we should just keep it professional.

(Y/N) pov: idk why this hurt me so much yeah we had only known each other for a few months and yeah even tho I don't remember most of the things that happened last night I really thought he felt something for me, after all he is the one that kissed me first.

Logan: so promise to keep it between us.

(Y/N): promise

(your both looking into each others eyes everything is silence when all of the sudden a text breaks the moment)

in the text message

Katy: what the hell (Y/N) where are you I have being calling you for an hour and I asked Nora but she said that you didn't even go home last night, can you please answer the dam phone, Nora and I are worried sick, and don't forget today you have a photoshoot for Logans new merchandise.

little logangster (Logan Paul X reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now