Jack Sparrow x Reader ~ Part Two

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Please don't forget to read the first part!

Three months later...

Jack was lounging about in his quarters with his feet propped up on his desk when his compass caught his eye. Picking it up, he watched the needle spin wildly before wobbling to a halt. It pointed directly to his doors. Standing, he wandered over to the doors and pushed them open. For a few moments, his eyes ran across the deck. Then he spied you leaning on the railing at the bow of the Pearl. Something about the way the moonlight bounced off of your fair skin, and the way your hair danced in the wind made him think that maybe bringing you on this ship wasn't so bad. Despite the fact that his intentions originally were completely selfish, he sort of felt like a knight saving his lady from a horrible world. Though he had to admit, Jack was becoming frustrated with not finding whatever treasure you were keeping from him. He had tried everything- from setting Jack the monkey on you, to stealing your clothes while you were washing. But, he never found any sort of jewels or gold on you.

In his trance, Jack hadn't noticed that you were gazing down at him with an almost affectionate expression. Sauntering over to you, Jack placed his hands on your waist and looked at you very closely. Any and every member of the crew could see the affect you had on him. Even though you resisted his every advance, it only seemed to encourage him more. It's not that you didn't want him, it's that you were afraid afterwards, he wouldn't want you. The two of you spent a brief second just holding each other, but then you turned away, and went back to watching the waves lap up the side of the boat lazily. Jack spoke "I don't know what you think is going to happen once we reach Singapore my dear, but I intend to keep to our deal." What..? Was he saying he didn't want to see you again? Averting your eyes to the floor, you tried to hide the tears welling up in your eyes. You were so confused. You had just shared this moment, and now he was saying he didn't want to see you? This man was infuriating. Without saying a word, you moved away from him and scurried to your quarters. Jack knew he didn't mean it, he liked having you around because you laughed at his silly faces and had this charm about you but he knew that once you reached Singapore, he would have wasted too much time searching for this stupid treasure of yours, it would be time to get down to business. But he didn't want to admit to you that the only reason he let you on the ship was to find the treasure, because he didn't feel that way anymore.

Within your quarters, you began to drag your belongings out of your wardrobe and onto your bed. You grabbed a trunk and started organising things into it. A thought struck you that made you stop dead in your tracks. If you left now, you would have nowhere to go, you'd have to protect yourself. You'd have to become a real pirate. Removing all your dresses from the trunk, you placed it back under the bed and pushed all the clothes aside. You snatched a piece of paper and quill from your desk and scribbled a note onto it. Then, you placed something down on the bed, next to the note, and shrugged on your jacket before heading out to the deck with nothing but your anger driving you on. Midnight had been and gone, and just on the horizon, you thought you saw the sky lightening with the morn. Hurriedly, you began to untie one of the small rowing boats from the posts and lowered it to the sea as quietly as possible. You weren't the strongest of pirates but your stealth had improved massively since Jack had taught you how to fight. Oh, Jack... You thought sadly. After all this time, he was no different than the night you had first met him. You couldn't deny it any longer, you had painfully strong feelings for the captain and felt your heart break a little bit more every time he looked away from you. A strong gush of wind blew over the deck and you peered over the edge of the ship. Longingly, you cast a glance back to the doors of the captain's quarters and carefully lowered yourself over the side, climbing down to the boat which bobbed up and down lightly in the water. Untying the last few ropes, you kicked off from the side of the ship and began to row in the opposite direction. Fading into the horizon, you became a spec in an expanse of blue, as lost as you had felt when you first left Port Royal.

A few hours later, the sun peaked over the landscape, awakening the crew. Gibbs was running round up top, ordering the crew about when he noticed you weren't around. Gibbs approached Jack and asked him of your whereabouts. His mind flashing back to last night, Jack shrugged "Maybe the girl just wants a rest 'ay mate?" Gibbs frowned at Jack, grumbling as he walked away. Secretly, Jack was confused and wanted to check on you, so he wound his way to your quarters. Knocking on the door, he opened it slightly. There was no response so he fully opened it but was only met by the sight of a completely trashed room and an empty bed. When he walked in further, he spied the note. Picking it up, it read:


For a while now, I have anticipated the next branch of our journey. But you made it clear to me last night that this was not to be our journey. I respect your wishes while maintaining a lack of respect for yourself. You kept your secrets close to you, as I did with my own. I'm not a simpleton Jack, and I know why you wanted me. I've heard stories of that compass my whole life, I know what it does- what it shows. So, take your treasure, I have no need for it, just don't forget what you promised me. We will never see each other again- by your words, we will never see each other.

Love Y/N.

Just as Jack finished reading, Gibbs burst through the doors and shouted clearly alarmed "Jack, one of the boats are missing!" Immediately, Jack realised what you had done. Before he followed Gibbs out the door, he glanced back at the letter on the bed and noticed a shiny gold chain. On the chain was a pendant. It was the medallion of the highest ranking officer in the royal navy- it was your fathers. Jack had never seen it before and so it occurred to him that this was the treasure he wanted. But holding it in his hand brought him no victory because he had lost you for it. Opening his compass, he watched the needle spin away from the necklace and point in the direction you had sailed. The realisation struck that he never wanted the medallion, or anything else you had. He just wanted you. Gasping, Jack dropped the necklace and leapt onto the deck. Bellowing orders at the crew, he had the ship turned around and chasing after you. Jack was not willing to let you get away.

Meanwhile, you were floating around in your boat peacefully, allowing the waves to carry you wherever they wanted. You gave up rowing- your arms hurt and you were tired. As you drifted in between sleep and reality, you didn't notice the dark shadows swirling beneath the surface of the water. It wasn't until your boat received a sharp nudge that sent you rocking back and forth that you noticed the fins cutting through the water around you. Another nudge sent you tumbling to one end of the boat. Helplessly, you grabbed an ore and began batting at the sharks, but one of them sank its teeth into the wood and ripped it from your arms. One of the sharks viciously tore a chunk out of the boat and you watched desperately as water began to trickle through it. Tears streamed down your face pitifully and you wished you had never left the Pearl, never left Jack. While you continued swatting the sharks away, a round of gunfire sounded in the distance. Blood seeped through the water and you stared in amazement as the shark that was hit swam deeper down into the darkness, away from you. Another bullet whizzed passed you and struck another shark which dove into the water for cover. But the last shark was determined to destroy you as it continued tearing at the boat as though it were paper. The gnashing jaws of the beast got closer with it second and soon you were treading the water to keep your head above the waves. You heard the shout of a familiar voice "Y/N, hang on!" It was Jack! Waving your arms about frantically, you saw Jack dive off the Pearl and begin to swim towards you. The shark was gnawing on the wood of the boat but had soon set its beady black eyes on you. Forcing your aching limbs to move, you started to swim away. Just as the shark advanced on you, several bullet were embedded into its skull and it thrashed about furiously. This gave you and Jack the chance to reach each other. The Pearl drew up alongside the two of you as you held each other and you were hauled onto the deck. With your arms still around Jack's neck and his resting on your waist, you panted heavily. That was so close. Gibbs placed a coat around your shoulders and offered Jack his, but he refused it. Jack didn't take his eyes off you. He felt so bad, so responsible for what you did. If you had died, it would have been his fault. Without saying a word, you moved to him, placed your hands on either cheek and kissed him passionately. He responded instantly, and the crew cheered. You pulled away for breath and frowned for a moment "What about your treasure? I left it here for you." Jack smirked, having learnt something from this whole mess of a situation.

"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate."

Hey guys! I hope you liked this part, remember to vote for this story and leave me a comment to tell me what you thought! I'd love some requests from you guys because they really help me! Love you guys and see you for the next one <3


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