" hey Draco , come on in , i just need to get my bag " she stated sweetly 

" hey 'mione ....okay " he replied softly

he walked inside and closed the door quietly . He stood by the door for only a minute until she arrived back .

"hey , ready to go?" he asked as she strolled over to him

"yeah sure " she replied softly 

"you look beautiful tonight 'mione " he said sweetly 

" you look pretty dashing yourself dray " she replied , smiling gratefully 

"why than you " he said offering his arm for her to take . She took willingly and smiled widely 

They left the apartment still chatting animatedly whilst hermione placed a charm on her door to lock it . 

Draco led her to Diagon Alley and as they walked along the streets they received many unpleasant looks from passers by .He took her to a new restaurant called: 'La Franc,ais salon' it was french and the name meant : 'the french salon'

They reached the reception area and a young gentlemen arrived shortly after . 

"table for two under the name of Malfoy " Draco said softly

"yes sir , follow me please " the young man said before he turned on his heel and walked away . 

"ooh impressive" hermione whispered in Draco's ear . 

Draco nearly shivered from the feel of her breath on his neck .

"yes , yes it is "he joked in a whisper 

She nearly shivered as she felt his lips graze her ear lobe as he talked in a whisper to her . The waiter led them to a romantic table in the back , that was secluded and hidden from everyone else in the restaurant . 

"are you planning on killing me tonight?" she joked as he pulled out her chair for her 

" no of course not "he chuckled"why would you think that?" he asked 

" oh i don't know , were in a secluded spot in the back of a restaurant and were the only ones in the back " she stated chuckling 

"yeah true , you best be on guard then aye 'mione "he joked 

"yes , i suppose i should "she replied jokingly and chuckling 

"so what's it like being the holiday librarian at Hogwarts?" he asked changing topic of conversation 

"well it's actually very amazing , i mean i only have to go in for like six weeks of the year and  i get to stay at my home for seven years whilst i work , i mean come on wouldnt you like to visit Hogwarts again sometime ?" she asked him sceptically 

"yeah i suppose , i mean it is my home , its the only place i felt peacefull and safe atleast for a while , until all of that death eater stuff " he replied softly 

" i've been meening to ask you , why did you agree to be a death eaterr?" 

" oh , well the dark lord said that if i didnt i would get punished and my mother would be killed as i watched , and as you could guess the dark lords punishments arent exactly kind "

"oh draco , why didnt you ask anyone for help , i'm sure you and your mother could have been put under protection by the order of the phoenix , you could have even asked me , i would have helped you" she stated softly

"why ? why would you help me ? you made it pretty clear that you hated me in school , so why would you help me , let alone believe me ?" he asked now confuesed

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