Chapter 2: My Crush???

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A/N So, Guys I'm just letting you know that I will be making new chapters of this book every Tuesday and Thursday, and I will be making new chapters of Highschool Life every Monday and Wednesday, I was also thinking I would start a Fanfiction Weekend! Where everyone will get to vote on 3 different fanfictions and then I will chose whichever one gets the most votes and write that fanfiction so here are your choices to vote for, Zane~Chan, Travlyn, or Daze (Dotty x Blaze) Put your votes in the comments and then I will chose whichever one wins! Author~Chan out!


As you walk to the office to get your schedule, you have a weird feeling that someone is following you but you just shrug it off, you walk into the office, get your schedule and head to try and find your first period. As you are walking the halls trying to find our homeroom, Blaze comes up to you and says "Hey Y/N, Do you need any help?" "Y-yeah, I have no idea where my classroom is"I say he looks at your schedule. "Oh, cool, We have almost all the same classes, c'mon I will help you find class!" You follow him to the homeroom and you both sit down at a table in the right corner of the classroom with your brothers. " Have troble finding the homeroom 'lil sis?" Zane asked, "Yeah, but Blaze helped me, Blaze these are my brothers, Garroth, Zane, and Vylad." I say. "Cool, it's nice to meet you guys!" Blaze tells them.


I go outside and sit under a tree and start singing Fireflies.

You would not believe your eyes

if ten million fireflies

lit up the would as I fell asleep

cuz they fill the open air

and leave teardrops everywhere

you'd think me rude but I would just stand and stare

cuz I'd get a thousand hugs

from ten thousand lightning bugs

as they try to teach me how to dance

a foxtrot above my head

a sock hop beneath my bed

the disco ball is just hanging by a thread (thread, thread)

I'd like to make myself believe

that planet earth turns slowly

it's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep

cuz everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep)

leave my door open just a crack (please take me away from here)

cuz I feel like such an insomniac (please take me away from here)

why do I tire of counting sheep (please take me away from here)

when I'm too tired to fall asleep

to ten million fireflies

I'm weird cuz I hate goodbyes

I get misty eyes

as they say farewell

but I know where several are

if my dreams get real bizarre

cuz I saved a few

and kept them in a jar

I'd like to make myself believe

that planet earth turns slowly

its hard to say I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep

cuz everything is never as it seems (when I fall asleep) (x2)

I'd like to make myself believe

that planet earth turns slowly...

After I was done singing I heard clapping and I looked behind the tree I was under and I saw Blaze!?!?!?!? OMI, I can't believe he heard me singing and I was so nervous, I ran off...

Blaze P.O.V

I just heard Y/N sing and she was amazing! But, when I started clapping she ran off, oh no Blaze what did you do!?!?

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