"Hello?? Its meee Hellyyyy your twin sister Daniel!?!?!!" I heard mumbling from inside the house and then the door opened "HELLY!!!!!" Daniel screams he pulls me into a massive tight hug, i drop my luggage and hug him back. "Wassup mother fucker! Have you missed me?" "Oh, Helly, You don't know how much" I smile widely and then i hear an awkward cough, i turn my head to right and see a group of very good looking guys, my age, standing there. "uhh. hi?" says a guy with noodle hair. "OH. I forgot, Helly, this is Zach, Jack, Corbyn and Jonah" "Yeah i stalked them all on instagram.." there goes another awkward cough.. "Hi nice to meet you, Helly" says zach, all the other boys go up to me and introduce themselves. Corbyn was the one that stood out to me the most. He is the only blonde one so he would, naturally. He was also always smiling so he had very good vibes to him. "So guys, Helly will be staying with us as long as she needs to." The guys all nod. "Alright, bro" They all say something, and seem to agree, except for Corbyn. "Wait why?" "Because she missed me." "I thought we all agreed to not have girls stay at our house" "Yeah but she's Daniels twin bro" Zach defends me. "Yeah but she is still a girl." Corbyn replies. "And she has a very pretty name and she's name is Helly." I snap. "Jesus, Daniel she is the complete opposite to you" "yet you are exactly the same an albino" i hit back. "Ha Helly i love you already" "Thank you, Jack" i hear corbyn mumble "i sure don't" under his breath. "Whatever, Helly, but expect me to give you a hard time, because thats what is coming." "Right. Back. At. you." then i flip him off. 

Jack, Daniel and Zach show me to my room, where i will be staying for a week, before we go on tour. "Where is Jonah and Corbyn?" Daniel asks. "Oh they are in Corbyn and Jacks room, bitching about me. Mostly Corbyn." Jack looks down. "He looks like he was going to drink bleach but accidentally spilt it on his hair instead." Everyone giggles, and i keep a straight face. "Anyways, thank you for letting me stay.. I should probably get to sleep now. Love you Danny" I kiss the boys on their cheeks and head to bed. 

*Time Skip* 1 month later...

I can't stop teasing Corbyn. He is just so easy to piss of and I really love the feeling of getting him mad. I guess, it turns me on. He hates it when I flirt with him, because apparently it 'messes with his feelings.' But still, if flirting makes him angry, i'm all for it. A week ago we left for the boys' tour. Of course, I wasn't on stage. I can't sing for shit, but I am still attending, hanging behind the scenes, cheering the boys on. I can't help feel a little jealous, when the boys go up and kiss the girls cheeks, hug them. Especially when Corbyn catches their eyes in the audience. I tense up and start to shake, my eyes get a little foggy. But i guess it's just called love. I never knew how to show love because of my family history, well, except for Daniel. I tell him i love him everyday, mostly every time i see him. But i never know if i actually, romantically, love someone. I have never felt that way and I don't know how to show it. Yeah, i guess i do love Corb- I mean, the boys. I love the boys. 

*Time skip* after the show...

After that concert we headed to a party so we could have some fun. I get into the tour bus and sit next to Corbyn, teasing him about how his eyebrows look like caterpillars. But in my opinion, he has great eyebrows. I look down at my phone, stalking people on instagram, as per usual. I wasn't really concentrating on the conversation going on around me. "Guys, make sure you do not accept any of the drinks they offer, i don't want you to get drunk." I didn't hear that statement. I wasn't listening and i figured out the consequences later on. "Helly? Did you hear that?" Zach asks. "uh huh" I didn't though.

*At the party* 

I walk into the house, very loud music. But after a few minutes I got used to it. The guys and I decided to split up, not a very smart idea, might i say. Ladies came around offering me drinks, at first i denied. About 15 minutes into the party and i was starting to get bored. Another hooker came to offer me a drink, and this time i accepted. "Sure, thanks" "No problem" She said, with a flashy smile. I take a sip and it tastes like lemon, but then sweetens out. That was hella good. I decide to gulp down some more, and soon I am finished. I start to get a little dizzy but then another girl comes to refill my cup, I can't say anything but she hands me the filled drink anyway. I take more sips and suddenly i am done with it again. One drink after another and I start getting very tipsy. I spot Corbyn and the boys in the corner of the room. "HEYYY BOYYSSSSS" I yell out, but they can't hear me because of the music. "CORBEAN? DANNY? HELLOOO! I AM STARTING TO GET BORED CAN WE GOOOO?" I see Zach turn his head to look at me, realisation hits his face and he knows that I have been drinking. Or am drinking. I start to move a little and I am starting to tip over.. I fall and before i hit the ground i feel hands supporting my back. 

*Corbyns pov*

"HELLY!" I run to her and catch her before she falls to the ground, she looks beautiful lying in my arms. But at the same time she looks bloody pale and sick. What has she done? What do they put in these drinks. I shake my head and bring her up. "Oi guys come on, lets go" Daniel runs over and helps me carry her outside of the house, we carry her to the tour bus and lay her down in the seats next to me. Her head laying in my lap, damn i wish this would happen more often, i think to myself. I do like Helly, in-fact i have been loving her since the day i met her. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship plus I'm too much of a pussy to share my feelings. Whatever. We arrive at our hotel and we bring Helly in. She looks different with her eyes closed, I love her eyes, just so so blue, so much bluer than the ocean or the sky, that's cliche. More like an Azure Butterfly's wings. Breath-taking. I head into her bedroom, because she is the only girl. I lay her down on her bed and I was thinking if i should take her clothes off and put her pj's on. I decide yes, but before hand tell Daniel what I am doing because that would be awkward if he walked in on me undressing her. Never mind, this is weird. I get her Pj's and start to unbutton her shirt. I gulp, so beautiful. Stop, Corbyn, stop. I continue to and Once i am finished I take her clothes and fold them into a neat pile at the end of her bed. I start to walk out of the room when i hear whispering.. "Corbyn, Corbean. ?" I turn my head to see Helly with her eyes open. She starts to laugh. "Stayyy pleaseeee" She is still drunk. "You sure?" "Of course I am sure babee" I slightly smile, and push my mouth back down, there is no way i will ever be with her. I hop under the covers, and cuddle her. She lays her head on my chest. "Corbyn?" "Yeah, angel?" "I like youu hahahaha" "I like you too, Helly" "Nooooo, i mean i love youuu ahahaha" I pause for a moment. "Yeah? Why do you tease me all the time then??" "Because it turns me on when you're mad." She looks up at my shocked face. "Im just joking, well no i'm not, but that's not the main reason." "Well what is the main reasons, Helly?" "I just don't know how to express my feelings for someone I love. I have never had the chance to love someone romantically, I am too scared to get hurt, the way my mother hurt me. The way my Dad hurt me, and the way my ex's hurt me. I never loved them as much as you." She looks me in the eye and down at my lips. She turns her whole body over the top of me and latches her legs around my bony hips. I can feel my member growing. Shit. She lowers her face to mine, and kisses me passionately, but short. It was the softest thing ever, it made my lips tickle at first, but then it started to sting from the warm presence missing. I go back into her lips and lick her lips for her permission. She lets my tongue in her mouth. It's great and when out tongues touch it makes my bing-bong get harder. "Helly?" I say out of breath. "Yeahhh??" "I need you, but i don't want you to think i took advantage of you." "No Corbyn, never would i think that. Do whatever pleases you." With her permission, i flip her over. She starts to take of my shirt, her warm fingers prickling my skin every once in a while. I start to feel my member getting bigger and bigger. I want her so bad, i want to make love to her, and i will, but not when she is like this. No. "Helly? Stop" "Wai- why?" "Because I want to love you when you are properly awake. Lets just cuddle okay?" "Ehhhh, okayyy" I lie next to her and spoon her. She seems to go to sleep very quickly. Wow. what was that? I love her. Yeah i said it. "Helly, my love, I love you more than anything in this world, in this universe, no, in this existence." "I love you too Corbyn" and with that, she fell asleep, in my arms. And i have never felt so sure about something in my whole life. My best friend, lover, companion, my everything, in one. 

Part 2 will come soon :) I really enjoyed writing this. I hope you did too!!

Remember to comment or dm me your requests ;))

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