Where did they go? And where's all of our stuff? WAIT WHERES MY FOOD?

Is that a note? Umm okay. "Han, meet is in the lobby we got all of your stuff don't worry xo- Nash"

Awe xo that's so cute.

Whale I better go then.

I think te lobby is 1 but you never know it could be in the garage.

I'm now lookin out of the elevator and I don't see any sign of Nash or Cam.

Where could they be.

Someone grabs me from behind guess who they say.

CASSY? I scream

Yes! She said.

OMG I missed you how are you? Did you moove here?

Actually your brother has been planning for us to moove into an apartment all 6 of us!

6? I ask.

Yes. Me, you, nash, Matt Savana, and Cam.

Awe! I say that's gonna be so fun!

I know she says now let's see what you can do!

Wait? Right here?

Yes! Round off, back handspring 3 full twist layout and back tuck.

Your on. I say. Tell me when.



As I run I forgot what she said and then I rembered I feel the wind in my face as I do my last thing the back tuck. I stand straight clear the hair out of my face Ha ! I said.

Wow that was great babe I head from behind me.

Nash? I turn around. Your walking?

Yes and you can do that so... He said sarcastically.

I hug him tight. I whisperbjn his heari love you.

I love you too he said. And we have a date later so we need to get ready. He said.

I look into his blue eyes and hunk awe a date that's so cute. I wonder what to wear he is so handsome and hot I can't even smile and his eyes look so blue it's not even funny.

Before I know it our lips meets yet agian. His soft lips and mine meet and I leg him have acsess.



Hans is so beatutiful as we walk out to the car were holdin hands and I feel like I never want I let go she has such a nice body that I just want to see everyday and I live her so much it's not even a joke.

She's wearing a pair if sweats a grey croptop her vans and a messy bun she looks so beautiful and the best part is she has no makeup on.

Her friend Cassy and Savana are here and Matt is dating Savana and cam has a thing for Cass.

And were all moving in together pretty soon. So I hope me and Matt brine friends agian.

We get to the car and I open the door for Han like a gentle man.

Why thank you kind sir she says and lightly laughs.

I love her laugh it's not annoying it's a laught heat you wanna hear everyday.

We get back to the house and I do the same thing I open the for for her.

We walk inside and what do we see? Matt and some girl are majig out in the couch.

MATTY? I hear Savana scream.

Savana! Wait he gets up and. Chases after her.

Hanna walks over to the girl.

Who are you she says with an attitude.

I'm Paige and who is your ugly ass self?

She says.

Excuse me but his is my house and I'm on a have to ask you to leave.

Whatever bitch she says.

Hanna grabs her and says leave my brother the hell alone and leads her to the door.

She closes he door and looks kid of fustrated.

Han, come here I say.

Did he get drunk agian or did he just loose his ducking mind she whispered.

I don't know but whatever it is we are going to fix him.

Matt? She says.

Han, I'm really sorry. He said.

What was that? You just cheated in your girl friend and yo- MATT?

He fell to the ground.

What's wrong? What happened? I screamed!

CAMERON! Han yelled.

Savana came down and showed us pills what are those I said.

What's making him act crazy. She said.

Reasons to smile. Nash Grier Fan fic.Where stories live. Discover now