Wedding Planning

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"So um, what are we doing here," Uncle Buck said clearly annoyed, "I was on a date, Punk," he nearly yelled. "Well we have something really important to tell you," Dad said his eyes practically lighting up, "We're getting married." "So, what's the theme for the wedding gonna be," I asked trying to hide the fact that I wanted to yell 'MY PARENTS ARE GETTING MARRIED!' "We haven't decided, but we will have to ask you guys, will you all be part of our entourage. Before anyone could say anything Dad but in, "Hey, Barton, could you be my best man," he said, "'Course," he said almost casually but I could see he was pretty excited. "Score," I whispered to him and we high fived. "Bucky, could you be mine," Pops said quickly, "'Course Cap," he said and they went in for the bro hug. That evening we just talked about what they wanted to do.

They had wanted to be wed at the park and then they would invite people to the after party at the avengers tower. They would have a huge cake and stuff. I was extremely hyped for this though, it wasn't everyday when you could go to your parent's wedding. It was truly exciting.

"Okay, then our wedding will be in four months, on April 3rd, is that okay," dad asks I can tell that he really hopes everyone can make it. "I don't care IF something pops up, I'm not gonna miss it," Aunt Wanda says excitedly, "This'll be the first wedding I've gone to." We all decide to call it a day and retreat to our rooms.

-The Next Morning-
I woke up to Dad knocking on my door. "If you don't open up I'm gonna open the door myself." "Just a second!" I yell frantically, grabbing at my sunglasses. I walk over and open the door, "Morning sleepyhead," he says a bit loudly, "We've got a busy day ahead, everything from cake tasting to finding rings to well, everything else."

That day we go straight to the park after everyone is ready and rent it out for a wedding on April 3rd. Then, we go straight to cake testing, we get to try so many cakes that I didn't even care that we skipped breakfast. After that we go to a ring shop and Dad picks out exuberant diamond rings, but, because of Pops, decides to downgrade to a slightly lass flashy ring. When the day ends we all go the barbacue restaurant where they had their date.

The next four months are like that every day, except for the day we're on missions, however about 3 months in we're all ready.

Dad is wearing a white suit with a white dress shirt and pants with a flower sticking out of his pocket while Pops decided to wear a traditional Black suit with a white dress shirt, suspenders, and black dress pants. They decided on a really big cake with a beautiful texture that is a lavender color (they didn't tell us the flavors but promised that it would be delicious). They decide on Lavender and a light blue as their wedding colors, and to be fair they do match a bit. They chose out a large menu, the food is of course provided by only the best of catering and before we know it, the wedding day arrives.

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