Chapter XXXVI: Whole New World

Comenzar desde el principio

"You never introduced yourself," Cora mentioned, taking a few steps towards him. She reached out and stroked his arm. "You're not from this world, I can sense it. Just who are you, stranger?"

Dean noticed Emma had looked at them as she climbed upward. She was probably listening intently to what they were saying. He tried not to read it as jealousy. Dean scoffed, "I'm just an Alice that's fallen down a rabbit hole. I'm a nobody." He looked down at her hand still on his arm. "And I'm not into older chicks."

"Alice? Rabbit hole?" her brow creased. "You're not from Wonderland; that I know for a fact."

"And how would you know that?" Dean asked, watching as her mask slipped for a second to reveal that she had accidently revealed something she hadn't meant to.

"Up!" the voice above commanded to Dean.

Without looking back at the woman, Dean climbed up the rope.

When he got to the top, he heard Emma and Mary Margaret whispering to each other as they waited for him.

"Why couldn't you just listen to me?" Snow whispered.

"Why couldn't you have trusted me? I was just trying to find a way to get us home," Emma replied. When Dean joined them they started to walk with their escort. "I could've handled her."

"Cora?" Mary Margaret laughed. "Don't be so sure. I've lived here, Emma. I know this world and its dangers."

"Wait here," their guard instructed.

Emma sighed, exhaling a deep breath before turning around to face her mother. "Is that why you came through the portal? Because you thought I was helpless here? We were helpless here?" she asked, gesturing to Dean.

"Hey!" he said, insulted.

Mary Margaret kept her attention on Emma. She shook her head, "No, I came through to be with you." Her gaze moved to something behind Emma and Dean, her expression changing. "Lancelot?"

Dean and Emma turned when Mary Margaret started walking towards the man in full body armor.

"Snow," the man stated. They walked quickly towards each other and greeted with a warm hug. "If I'd known that you were the prisoners of Mulan had brought back, I never would have locked you away. Please, forgive me."

"Of course."

Emma and Dean looked at each other, then back to the pair.

"Mulan?" Dean asked, finally figuring out who exactly the woman warrior was.

"Lancelot?" Emma asked. "Really?"

"Like the round table, knights, Camelot, first hand King Arthur Lancelot?" Dean asked. They all looked at Dean, probably wondering how he knew so much. He shrugged, "I used to read the stories to my brother when we were kids."

"He's an old friend," Mary Margaret explained. "We can trust him. This is Emma, my daughter, and Dean."

"Her husband?" Lancelot asked.

"No," Emma and Dean answered in unison.

Lancelot chuckled, placing an apologetic hand up. "My mistake. Come, let us gather together for a meal. You all must be famished."

"Thank god," Dean exclaimed as they began to follow Lancelot and Mary Margaret to a dining table. Emma rolled her eyes, but smiled slightly at him. "What? Being time warped into some black hole portal thing and being man handled into a pit by a cross-dressing China-saving warrior woman takes a lot of you. Do you think they'll have hamburgers?"

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