Chapter XV: Seeing Red

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The sound of wings flapping startled Dean awake. He rose from his pillow and looked around until he saw Cas picking up one of the lamps on the desk and inspecting it.

He looked in the other bed, but Sam wasn't there. "Cas, where's Sam?" Dean picked up his phone and checked it. "It's 7:30?! Holy crap. I thought you were supposed to be here at 7?"

Cas sat down the lamp and walked over towards Dean. "I was. But Sam said to let you sleep a little longer. He's downstairs right now. I decided you had slept long enough and came to wake you."

"Well I'm glad you did. I didn't want to sleep in; I'm kicking Sammy's ass when I get down there," he said grouchy. He didn't like sleeping longer than he intended to.


When Dean made it down to the diner, he smiled. The sight of his brother sitting at the bar engaging in, what appeared to be, very friendly conversation with Ruby. It almost made up for his dick-wad move he'd pulled. Almost.

"Sammy! Did you press the snooze on my alarm angel so that you could come down here without me and hit on the hot waitress?" Dean said a little too loudly. He noticed Ruby's smile widen and her cheeks turn a shade of red that made her shorts appear dull.

Sam gave him his best bitch-face. Dean loved getting Sam to make that face. Sam turned to Ruby and gave her an apologetic smile. "We were just chatting," Sam finally said.

"I was the one doing the hitting, actually," Ruby said with a giggle. "Is there anything you'd like?" she asked Dean as he sat done in one of the stools.

"A coffee would be perfect. Also, information on what time does the sheriff station open," he said with a wide smile.

Ruby grinned suggestively, "Emma usually gets in at 8. Seeing at its 7:50, I'm assuming you'd like that coffee to go?"

"Ruby, has anyone told you you're the best waitress ever?" Dean asked with a wink, watching his brother squirm out of the corner of his eye.

"I've been told once or twice. I'll be right back," she said, more to Sam than to Dean, but he wasn't complaining.

As soon as she was out of sight Sam smacked Dean's shoulder. "What the hell was that for? You make me look an idiot."

"Oh Sammy, I don't ever have to help with that. Besides, that's what you get for putting the snooze on Cas like that. He's up in our room right now, I finally talked into taking a shower. Though it wasn't easy. He tried to get in with all his clothes on... And let's just say I've seen enough cherub bottom to last a life time. By the way, we should think about getting him some new clothes; or at least another set of the same ones. I hate to think how long it's been since those clothes been washed," Ruby dropped off his cup and moved on to her other tables. Dean was almost positive Sam had ended up tuning him out when he'd caught a glimpse at Ruby. Was his brother really crushing on a small town girl? Go Sammy! "Anyway," he said loud enough to get Sam to look back in his direction, "you keep an eye on the angel while I go see Emma."

"What are you going to see her for anyway?" Sam asked.

Dean stood up and pulled a few bucks, placing them on the bar. "Um... I'll figure something out."

"Ask about information on Jefferson," Sammy: the voice of reason, "There, now you have an excuse that won't make you sound like an idiot."

Dean frowned then turned to head out the diner, "Shut up."

Sam chuckled as he watched his brother leave. Guy had it bad for the sheriff. Which meant one of two things: he was going to sleep with her as soon as the job was over and then leave, which would piss her off; or he would try to sleep with her, piss her off and then kick his ass out of town. Sam got the impression from Emma that the latter was the more likable option.

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