Journel entry no. 1

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He-ey~ Time to kick this first entry off with a introduction! Aw, aren't you lucky you get to meet the second best person. The first best would be my Twin brother, Alfred but evryone calls him America. He's the Hero of everything! I'm the sidekick, but hey, that has it's benefits too, ya know! Oh, right, anyway, my name is Ally E. Jones. I'm the U.S.V.I. or more commenly known as the United States Virgin Islands. Oh, right, another thing before I go off and talk about my sidekick-filled life, this is a journel, NOT a diary. Diarys are for sissys, man, and that's just not me! So, here we go!

Monday, Aug. 23

Ok, first off when I woke up this morning I was dreading everything. I had to eat breakfast and Mom said that I couldn't eat my regular breakfast(bugers) and that I had to eat normal oatmeal. Ewwww... So, anyway, after she, like, left I put a whole bunch of stuff in it. I mean, dude, i had brownsugar and syrup in it. It sounds nasty, i know but, man, it was good.

Anyway, me and Al were talking about the scary movie-don't be afraid of the dark-and Mattie just came out of nowhere, sucking on a maple syrup bottle. When I stuck out my tongue and asked Mattie when he got there he said he'd been there the whole time. I denied it and said that I would've noticed him there Al slapped my back and said I was funny. I didn't-andstill don't- get it. I have suck a weird heroic twin brother. :)

When I got to school I started poking Addie over and over again. She got mad and called me a wanker and then her twin brother, Arthur came and I started poking him. He called me a hobbknocker and then Missa asked him if that was even legal to say. Yeah, weird morning. Oh, and on top of that, Al told everyone how heroic he was...for putting butter on popcorn. And Arthur called Al a -quote, un-quote- "bloody idiot". The morning was as crazy as ever. I think it was because we were testing. All I know is that me and Al are sooo gonna pass that test. I mean, that's what heros do. :)

After the test my class whas the first to go outside. None of my friends were in that class so i sat on the highest bleacher in the corner. Pretty soon Al's class came out and I waved to him. He looked around and then waved to me. And when he climbed up the bleachers he totaly ignored me. I was confused so I just curled up into a ball and watched Al give a heroic speech without me. That was the first time that he's ever done that. I know we're in high school and all but...this would be our third year. Everyone knows we're twins. Everyone knows that we're both heros together. So why act like he doesn't know me now? I think...this is the first time he's ever made me cry...


The heroic Ally E. Jones?

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