Chapter 3

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(May 2017)
Amanda's pov

"Hey Mr. Baseball." I yelled over to Cohen. He turned giving me a sweet smile.

"What are you doing here?" I smiled as he came over to me.

"Came to watch my best friend's game duh."

"I'm glad you're here Angel eyes." He leaned over the fence kissing my cheek.

"You better get going, so kick some ass." I smirked as he ran over to the dugout.

"So, what's really going with you two?" Steph asked.

"We're just friends."

"Right." Steph and I have been friends since we moved in together. Although she stays a little more with the guys.

"I'm serious just friends." I tried to plead with her.

"Are you sure, he's pretty good looking and I'm sure he's a good kisser?"

"Drop it please." I sighed. She nodded, turning back to look at her boyfriend. Her and Tony have been together for over a year. Thinking about it I don't get why she lived in the dorms when she basically lives with Tony.

Watching the game, it wasn't going too good. Cohen was doing okay but I know he's beating himself up.

"Here come the guys." She said as she walked over to Tony. Cohen didn't even look up to see if I was still there.

"Cohen." I yelled as I ran over to him.

"Hey." He sighed.

"I want to be alone please." He pulled out of my grip and went to his jeep. I looked over at Steph and Tony who were frowning.

"Come on will give you a ride." I nodded following them over to their car. It hurt knowing I can't comfort him or at least be there for him. Baseball is everything to him and I get that but still he could have let me come with him.

"Hey he will be okay." Steph squeezed my hand. I nodded not knowing what to say. This is the first time I've seen him down, usually it's the other way around.

Once we got back to the apartment I grabbed some of my things and headed out. He may not want to be around me but he will once he sees what I have from him. I went to Walmart and picked out a movie he wanted to see before grabbing a bunch of junk food. Hopefully just having a movie night where we don't have to talk will help him relax. Finally, I got everything and headed back to the apartment.

"Is he in his room?" I asked Tony. He nodded and I went over to his room, knocking.

"Look we don't have to talk but I brought you some things that will cheer you up." I smiled once he opened the door. He grabbed the bag from me and looked through everything.

"Thank you." He smiled finally, pulling me into his arms.

"Your always there when I need you so I figured I would return the favor."

"I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend." I leaned up kissing his cheek before curling up in the bed. He held me close, making me sigh in content.

"Look I'm sorry about earlier. I just needed to be alone."

"When your down I want to be able to help you through it okay. I'm here for whatever you need, please don't shut me out." I sighed rubbing my thumb over his cheek.

"I promise I won't. Seriously though thank you for this, this is all I needed." He warmed my heart at the little things he says. I don't know what I would do without him.

(Cohen's pov)

I pulled away from a sleeping Amanda making sure she stayed asleep. I walked out into the living room where Tony and Steph are.

"Hey you feeling better." Tony asked.


"You two kiss finally."

"Guys were just friends. She brought me stuff to cheer me up so now she is sleeping."

"You two are cute." Steph smiled.

"Thanks, I guess. Anyways I'm going to head back in. Please keep it down tonight." I smirked at them before heading back in my room. Of course, she was curled up on my side. Carefully I moved her so I could scoot in next to her.

"I should go back to my room." She said tiredly as she lifted her head.

"Why, you know you can just stay here." I looked at her confused.

"Cohen." She sighed.

"What are you scared I would try something on you?"

"Of course not. I trust you. I just..."

"You're exhausted, stay or I can go sleep on the couch." She nodded curling back up to me. Smiling I leaned down, kissing her forehead. I don't know how but I know this girl is going to change my whole world one day.

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