
"Morning, you feeling a little better?"

"Yea, thank you for last night."

"Of course. You stay here and I'll go back us breakfast."

"Okay." I pulled away from her and went to the kitchen. The place was a mess and I'm not cleaning it up. Most of my night I was with Mandy so I didn't cause this.

Pancakes always made me feel better so I quickly made us some chocolate chip pancakes. Once they were done I took all the food and went back to my room. She was curled up on my show watching cartoons.

"Hey, I made us some breakfast." She smiled sitting up so I could sit down.

"These are so good." She moaned. I nodded trying to calm myself down after hearing her moan.

"After this I should probably head back to get ready."

"Want me to go with you?"

"I think I will be okay."

"Okay." She finished up and stood up. I smiled seeing her wearing my clothes.

"What?" She smiled.


"Next time I see you, I'll give you your clothes back."

"Keep them."

"You sure?"

"Yea, they look better on you."

"Your right. Okay I need to get going, so I will call you later."

"Sounds good, you sure you don't want me to walk with you?"

"I'll be okay I promise." I nodded pulling her back into my arms holding her close. I'm really going to miss her over break.

"Call me when you get there." She nodded. I kissed her forehead before letting her go. I watched her leave before getting my things ready to go home.

"There's my baby boy." My mom smiled wrapping her arms around me.

"Hi momma."

"I'm so glad you're here."

"Me too, is there food."

"Of course, come on your dad is in the kitchen with your sister." I nodded setting my things down by the stairs. Mom smiled and came over wrapped her arms around my waist as we walked into the kitchen.

"Baby boy is here."

"How's school?" Dad asked.

"It's been really good. I'm doing good and I have some pretty amazing friends."

"That's good, happy for you."

(Amanda's pov)

I watched my little nephew snooze away in my arms. He really is the cutest little guy.

"Here let me take him." Jen smiled, scooping him out of my arms. Sighing I watched her take him over to his car seat so they can go home. Matt came over hugging me goodbye before leaving.

"So, Amanda any boyfriends?" Dad asked.

"No dad." I can't tell him about Cohen even if he is just my friend.

"Honey, leave her be. It's time to get to bed anyways."

"Fine." I kissed them good night before going back to my room. Cohen had texted me wanting to face time. Not being close to him sucks. I miss him driving me insane.

"Hey!" His smiling face appeared on my screen.

"Hey, I oddly miss you."

"It's okay I miss you too."

"So, did you have a good Christmas?"

"Yea, my sister called so we got to see her and my oldest sister is pregnant."

"Awe that's awesome. I'm sure your mom is happy."

"She is but it would be nice if she was here. Anyways tell me how your day went?"

"Good I got to watch my nephew open his presents. Honestly it's so much better watching a little kid open presents instead of your own."

"I agree watching my cousins is great. One day It will be even better watching my own." My heart swelled at the thought of him having kids.

"Your cheeks are getting red."

"Shut up."

"So, since I have a nickname, I think it's time you have one." I'm so thankful he decided to change the subject.

"Oh yea, what is it going to be?"

"Angel Eyes."

Angel EyesWhere stories live. Discover now