Party's End (2011)

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I woke up in the same room. Nothing looked different and everything hurts and I couldn’t open my left eye.

Luckily, the woman is gone.

My first thought when waking up was how mad Spots was going to be mad at me. He told me to stay at the table, and I didn't. I didn't even know how late it was, whether the party was just over or it's next morning or when.

I force myself to sit up, only for all the pain to grow so much more bad. I let myself fall back down to try and better deal with the pain.

I'm disappointed I didn't fight back. Why don't I ever fight back in these situations? I bet that if she was a man, I probably would fight back.

Why do girls just have to be so scary?

I push myself back up despite the pain. I don’t know how long I have until she comes back. Why would she leave me in here if she wouldn’t come back?

I stand up, only to lose my balance and fall back down. It took a lot for me to not lay here in pain again. I’m so dizzy and everything hurts. There’s a ringing that won’t go away. I just want to go back asleep to not deal with any of this.

I stand back up and lean against the wall anyway. I had to take a moment to catch my breath again. I didn’t know how I’m going to get home if I had a hard time getting up.

I slowly made my way to the door, both my mind and body begging me to stop. I finally listened when I got there.

The door handle is missing. I have no idea why or even how, but it was missing.

I fell to my knees and looked out the hole, the light from the other side hurting my head even worse. I can’t see anything besides the wall. I try pushing the door, then stuck my fingers in the hole and pulled it towards me.

It’s also locked. Great.

I sigh and place my head against the door, ready to cry again. Why can’t I just fight back? Why can’t I ever fight back? I know I can fight, so why not to defend myself? Who cares if it’s a girl! Even if girls are. . . scary.

I knock on the door and push myself onto my feet again. After a moment, I knocked again. No one ever answered. I guess no one’s here.

I sigh, realising I have to force the door open if I want out before the slender woman returns. I stood there for a long time, wondering whether I should or not.

After finally remembering what the woman did last time, I decided I should at least try. I took a step away and tried to kick in the door. I kicked me back more than I did the door and fell back down.

At this point, I couldn’t help but to wonder how much more I could hurt myself.

I had to catch my breath before standing back up to try again. This time, I was able to catch myself. However, the door’s still shut.

I sit down on the ground and cover my face. I hate this. I hate all of this. I wish I never came. There wasn’t a single part about this stupid party that was even slightly nice.

I let myself cry again. I sat there for the longest time before forcing myself to stand back up. This time, I slammed my whole body into the door. It hurt so much more worse. The door didn’t even open.

I don’t know what else I could do. What else could I do but laugh? I leaned against the door laughed at how stupid this all is. I knocked on the door, hoping someone would’ve heard me. But why would I be that lucky?

I took in a breath and threw myself into the door again. I finally opened the door. I hit the ground. I quickly looked around, seeing if anyone came to see what the noise was. No one bothered.

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