okay/ different chats

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Sooo i'm not doing the party thing anymore I don't know where I was going to with that but nothing really happens in it so I'm just going to go on

Abby n dally

Abby: ayyeeee mann

Dally: whats up man

Abby: nothing really wbu man

Dally: same man

Abby: man

Dally: man

Abby: man

Dally: mannnnnn

Abby:sorry man i gotta go man me ma and da just got home man

Dally: kay man

Isabella n abby

Isabella: What happens when you put Nutella on salmon

Abby: really....

Isabella: yup

Abby: what do you get when you put nutella on Salman two-bit?...i mean isabella.

Isabella: you get Salmonella haha twobit told me that one 😂

Abby: ... why are we friends?

Isabella: hey you force me into this

Abby: hush child or ill get two-bit

Isabella:ill get dally

Abby: ill get darry

Isabella: ill get johnny


Isabella: shut up

Two-bit n abby n isabella

Abby: wth why am I in this

Two-bit: because...I like blondes

Abby: um my hairs dirty blonde more brown

Isabella: my hair is like black

Two-bit: oh

Isabella: knock knock

Two-bit: whos there

Isabella: Britney spears

Abby: britney spears who

Isabella: knock knock

Two-bit: who's there?

Isabella: oopps I did it again

Abby: you know I don't think you guys should hang out anymore

Two-bit: come on ab tell us a joke

Abby: hm knock knock

Two-big: who's there

Abby: banana •,)

Two-bit: banana who??

Abby: hurry up man I'm pealing out here

Isabella:  man dude broo

Abby: yeah

Isabella: shut up

Johnny n isabella

Isabella: when you killed the prick did you get blood in your mouth

Johnny: uhhhh no?

Isabella: did you like killing him

Johnny: nooo

Isabella: would you do it again?

Johnny: I only killed him because he tried to kill pony

Isabella: oh yeah you have to save your...


johnny: I'm blocking you bye

Isabella: nooooo

You've been blocked by this user please try again when your not a bitch.

Johnny n pony

Johnny: babe your sister is being annoying

Pony: she is related to darry

Johnny: and you

Pony: excuse me

Johnny: why don't you go to the lot and I'll "tell" you there ;)

Pony: on my way!

(So hi if your reading this book I feel bad for you it sucks but anyways have a good day/night)

the outsiders text (on hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon