Chapter 1: League of What?

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I just bought whatever the shop had suggested me to buy, and went into a random lane.

This game, from what I see so far, consisted of two teams of five players and three lanes, and apparently we're supposed to defend our Nexus - whatever that is.

"Kyung-ho, I'm mid. You go top," someone said, sounding both amused and annoyed at the same time.

"Oh. Sorry." I right clicked to the top lane and that purple ninja guy I was controlling went up there.

And from then on, everything somehow fell into place. My hands began to move on their own, clicking and attacking anything that comes my way, and running away from ganks and invades.

"Ganks and invades"? Since when did those two words end up in my vocabulary?

I had no idea. Everything felt like a blur, and I felt as if I've played this game many times before even though I was pretty sure this game did not even exist just a few minutes ago. League of Legends? Really? I've never even heard of it...but felt so familiar...

But my world spins around me, and I wasn't sure of what I was doing before a loud noise snapped me
into reality.



I stare at the screen...I think I did it myself...I got a quadrakill?

But we ended up losing the game anyways, as well as the following ones since SKT was a monstrous team. I still can't believe that they could make a comeback after that quadrakill though...

Sanghyeok was a beast at this game. Every single time I stole glances at him, he'd look emotionless yet focused, as if nothing else but victory mattered. It scared me.

After the casters announced SKT as this game's winner, my team congratulated me on the decent game and went over to shake hands with our opponents. Deft and Mata, our Marksman and Support, hugged each other before shaking hands with Wolf and Bang. Untara and Huni approached me but my focus was elsewhere.

Lee Sang-hyeok. Or known in game as Faker.

I quickly shook hands with SKT's top laners and ran over to Sang-hyeok. "Hyeokie!" I grinned, "I didn't know you played-"

But I stopped my approach when I got a look from Sanghyeok, his dark brown eyes were cold, and it felt as if a single glare of his could pierce through stone, he's not like this, he used to have sweet eyes that were permanently glistening...

And I admit it...that..stung..


The cute voice of a young boy made me and Sanghyeok both turn our heads around. I spotted a short brunet with a mushroom cut sprinting and leaping into the arms of Sanghyeok, who cracked a small smile as he embraced the boy. "Hey, Wang-ho."

What the fuck? Who is this kid?

Before I could mercilessly shove this "Wang-ho" off Sang-hyeok, Wang-ho grinned cheekily at me and spoke, "Kyungho hyung, why are you still here? You should be with your team."

"A-ah. You're right," I stammered, backing off a few steps. Sang-hyeok made no move to make me stay, which made me frown a bit.

"You did well though, hyung. Nice Quadrakill!" Wang-ho continued, as if not noticing my burning jealousy. What the hell? Sang-hyeok's MINE. Why are you hugging him?

"Good game," was all Sang-hyeok said before shaking my hand politely, and walking off with Wang-ho giggling and holding on to him.

No... Don't get me wrong. Wang-ho is adorable, heck, he's such a precious, small cinnamon roll... But I can't stand the fact that he's around MY Sang-hyeok.

But maybe... I should really go back to my team. has been a weird day...I should just go and try to figure out what is happening.

But...I still can't bear with the fact that Sanghyeok hugged that kid called Wang-ho...

I bit my lip harshly as I mindlessly walked back to my team, I was too bothered by my thoughts to even notice that I was bumping into people.

From the corner of my eye I could still see Sang-hyeok and Wang-ho being inseparable. I swore I heard Bang or Wolf sing lovey-dovey couple songs just to tease the two.

Sang-hyeok and I used to be teased like that...

"Hyung, you okay?"

A voice called out, and I saw Deft looking at me worriedly. Deft, or Kim Hyuk-kyu is another cute kid, and he looked so fluffy I could just squish him to death. He still isn't as cute as Sang-hyeok though, just saying.

"I'm fine, Alpaca, let's focus on the next game," I forced a smile, and even though Hyuk-kyu didn't look convinced, he gave me a quick hug before going off to his other hyungs - Pawn, Mata, and Score.

I sighed.

Today was going to be a long day...

"Kyung-ho, you look distracted today," an older sounding voice called out.

I turned to see an older man whose name I could not remember, but I recognized him as the coach for my team. I laughed nervously. "It's nothing coach," I assured him, "I'm just a bit uh... bothered by something today."

The coach gave me a knowing smile. "Cheer up kid. If you win our next match against SKT, I'll let you go out on a date with that Lee Sang-hyeok."

My eyes widened and my face immediately flushed red. "W-what? N-no this is a misunderstanding-"

Coach laughed and patted my back. "You think you can lie to me, kid? I saw the way you look at him," he sighed and shook his head, "You look head over heels over that boy. Geez. Just don't let your crush get in the way of winning the LCK, alright? I bet he won't even notice you unless you're an opponent actually worth remembering."

I blinked. Unless I'm an opponent actually worth remembering, huh...

Looks like I know what I'm going to do now.

Sang-hyeok may not remember "us" in this universe, but I'm sure I can win him back.

I just need to beat him at his own game.

Heh. Just you wait, Hyeokie.

I'm gonna make you fall head over heels for me.

The Race To God's Heart ♡ SmebxFakerxPeanut LoL FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now