Chapter 32; A War has Started.

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Loki's P.O.V

She slept peacefully for the most part, muttering inaudible words now and then. Her skin seemed to calm against mine, though it did little than allow her to rest for the time being. She seemed lively, moving about whilst she dreamed. As the sun began to peak over the grey waters rolling beneath the bridge she had her back to me, her deep wavy hair sprawled out about the silk pillows.

Only once I felt she wouldn't require aid did I allow my eyes to flutter closed. Exhaustion had weighed down my eyelids, a wave of relief washing over me as I began to doze off. It wasn't long before my sliver of bliss was torn away. Her body tensed up, her elbows flying back to dig into my stomach. With a gasp of shock, I opened my eyes.

Her body tightened up and released, her muscles flexing and relaxing in measured lengths of time. Her fists clenched together as her body's harsh movements threatened to injure herself. Quickly, I slid my arms around her, grabbing her tightened wrists. I pulled her into my chest, crossing her arms against her's and holding her in place. "Shh, Ellianah my dear. Calm yourself.", I cooed gently into her hair, her body continuing to seize.

"Ellianah, don't fight. Open your eyes little one.", I continued. Slowly, her body began to relax against mine, her breathing shallow and weak due to exhaustion. "Ellianah, look to me. Listen," I coaxed as she grunted drowsily, muttering an incoherent "Hm?". "What is your name?", I questioned.

"Ellianah.", she replied gently, her eyes remaining closed. "Good. Where do you take residence?", I continued. "Asgard.", she muttered.

"And who might I be?"


"Indeed. Now come, sleep again, girl.", I whispered, her back pushing against my chest as she nodded slowly, drifting back to sleep, ignorant to the scene that took place. She had held onto her memory well enough. Perhaps she would be fine. The sun continued to climb into the peak of the horizon.

As it slid into the room, lighting the floor and fighting back the shadows, she stirred in her sleep, slowly waking. "Loki?", she muttered, turning as i released my grip on her. Her eyes searched me, confusion within her gaze. "Did you get any sleep?", she questioned.

I paused, searching her expression. She seemed worried, her gaze locked onto the bags beneath my eyes. "Of course.", I replied quietly. She eyed me, taking my chin in her hand. "Get some more.", she whispered, before slipping out of the bed and making her way to the bathroom.

I listened as the shower came on, before laying back In the sheets. Sleep would have to wait. She seemed to be at risk for these seizures any moment. I couldn't allow her to hurt herself. I stepped off of the bed, running a hand through my hair.

Ellianah's P.O.V

I wasn't ignorant to the situation. I knew perfectly well what was happening. My muscles ached from the seizing. I must have had one in my sleep. The bruises that showed upon my wrists confirmed it. He had laid awake to care for me. Scratch that, baby sit me. My mind was failing on me, and I was at risk for hurting myself. I leaned against the cold wall as the hot water ran down upon my already burning skin.

My throat tickled, as my lungs dampened from the threat of spilling more blood. I slid down the Dewey wall, hugging my knees to my chest. I had to be okay, there was no way I couldn't be. I had been through to much not to be. I would survive, I would retaliate.

Loki's P.O.V

Ellianah slowly exited the bathroom, her damp hair pulled back in a bun as she shuffled towards the bed. I watched her before making my way into the bathroom. I stepped into the shower, allowing the water to run over my tired skin. I leaned my head against my forearm, which propped itself against the wall. It hadn't even been a day, and i had grown tired.

I wouldn't give up on her, I couldn't. I had brought her here. I created this life for her, I wouldn't allow her to deal with it alone. I would fight till the very last breath she took, to keep her here. Even if it was a lost cause. I cleaned up before slipping into my clothes and armor. Stepping out of the bathroom, I froze in shock. There she lay, seizing once more upon the bed.

I cursed under my breath, appearing quickly beside her. I pushed her into a sitting position, before slipping behind her, allowing her to lay upon my torso as I held her wrists once more. She resisted my grip, her knuckles turning white as she squeezed her hands. I cooed soothing words into her ear, watching as she slowly relaxed, laying back drowsily against my body.

"What's your name dear?"

"Ellianah.", she muttered weakly.



"And I am?"


I slowly laid back against the headboard, allowing her to sleep upon my chest as I held her tightly against my armor. She stuffed her face into the space between my arm and side, curling up against me. I sighed deeply, the next month or two were going to be a war, between the daughter of wisdom, and her own mind.

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