Chapter 31; Sleep

Start from the beginning

Only once my skin ached from the pounding of the cascading water did i step out, getting dressed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. My hair hung in loose waves past my shoulders. I stepped out of the bathroom, into the chilly room as the sun failed to warm it.

How would I busy my day? Perhaps a bit of reading. Or maybe I would revisit the garden. I could do a bit of yoga. All the options that visited my mind bored me. I slowly sat back onto the couch, crossing my legs beneath me as I began to think of how to spend my day.

Loki's P.O.V

I sat before Odin, his voice urgent as he spoke. Frigg stood a few feet away, her gaze worried, her mind obviously not here. Thor stood tall beside her, glancing her way. "She left the castle, in the midst of the night. She left!", Odin's voice shook the floor as he yelled, "The girl fell ill and she left. Must I explain further!?"

"It's obvious.", Frigg finally spoke up, "She's the one that committed this horrid crime." Thor shook his head, "But what would cause her to do so?" Odin fell quiet, his gaze disappointed. "When Ellianah was born here, her mother requested I banish the babe for Luria foretold that she would grow to be a threat to all of Asgard. It was a mere month ago she twisted her lies and told the truth. Ellianah was no threat to Asgard, but to her mother. Which is why Luria died. Snotra must have killed her.", Odin shamefully began to admit, Frigg's gaze hardening.

"Luria foretold that The child would grow to be Snotra's downfall at the age of 21. She lied to banish her child. It wasn't until last night I realized the severity of this crime.", he shook his head. "That was a mere 9 months ago. Around the time Loki was banished.", Thor replied. "Yes, and it wasn't until last sun fall I put two and two together. Snotra admitted to Luria's words. Once the child aged 21 she would cross paths with pure mischief and so begins the downfall.", Odin stated.

My head shot up, my attacker had been in my presence all along. "Snotra is the one that banished you my son, and for that I am sorry.", Odin apologized, shaking his head as I stared forward rigidly. My jaw locked up as I struggled not to lash out.

Thor's P.O.V

Loki was obviously taken surprise by this information and for good reason. All this time he spent attempting to find his attacker, and she was here all along. "You and Ellianah meeting was a prophecy, my son. When her daughter turned 21 she banished you in hopes to rid Asgard of you. She never planned on you two meeting.", Odin added.

"Which explains Hel's attacks. Snotra must have made a deal with her. Which is why they were only attacked on Midguard, to Snotra's knowledge she was still there.", Frigg began to piece it together. "Until a month ago, when she found out Ellianah's true identity. That's why she poisoned her.", I stated in disbelief. "And ran for good reason. She must have used one of the portals hidden throughout Asgard to escape.", Odin hissed.

"Her own mother, how do we explain that?", Frigg muttered hesitantly. "We won't need to.", Loki hissed, standing from the table he sat at, "When she slept I felt upon her head. Her fever had retreated. The medicine seems to be working." The room synchronized in a relieved sigh. "She just recently learned of Sealiah's relation to her. The last thing she needs is another burden to bare.", he added, slipping his arms behind his back.

His eyes glimmered as if their surface was glass. His jaw remained locked furiously as he struggled to remain calm. "Good. You may go check upon her then.", Odin motioned Loki towards the door. Without hesitation, he turned, strolling out of the room eagerly.

Loki's P.O.V

I ran a few errands more before beginning back to the room.  The hallways had grown empty, as the sun faded and the night overshadowed the land. I approached the familiar doors, slipping in quietly before shutting the doors behind me.

I faced the vast emptiness of the room. The lights fought away the shadows as I glanced around the chamber. Ellianah was nowhere in sight. Of course she would disobey me and leave. I approached the bed, where the crumpled up letter I wrote lay within the sheets. My fingers grazed against the silk, no warmth remaining. I turned to face the bathroom doorway, which was ever so slightly opened.

Hesitantly, I approached, gently pushing it open the tips of my fingers. My eyes scanned the room, landing on the golden sink below the mirror. Blood splattered within it's flaked, golden shine. The counter surrounding the sink speckled with the same crimson. My curiosity faded, fear taking over as I stepped in, searching the large room.

There she laid, on the cold marble floor, her back propped against the shower's glass. The corner of her full lips dripped with the crimson blood. Her eyes remained closed against her pale, porcelain skin. Her chest rose weakly, shallow with breath as I pushed forward. Kneeling, I attempted to wake her.

"Ellianah?", I breathed, before slipping my arms under her. She raised a hand weakly, muttering an inaudible sentence as I carried her to the bed, laying her back down within the cold sheets. Her head fell back against the pillow weakly.

"Ellianah, open your eyes, little one.", I coaxed desperately, holding her chin. My eyes scanned her body frantically, as I gritted my teeth in nervousness.

Ellianah's P.O.V

I remember his touch, his icy skin, but nothing more. Before I knew it, the healer leaned over me as I lay within his bed. I didn't remember it, but I had passed out. I listened shamefully and embarrassingly as the two of them argued by the door.

"They're called diminutive paroxysms. Mini coma-like seizures. They're being caused by her body overheating due to her heart attempting to make up for the blood her lungs are spilling. It overheats her brain, and causes her to blackout without the normal convulsions during a seizure.", the healer explained. "What do I do?", Loki questioned desperately.

"There isn't much. They're very dangerous. If she isn't cooled down quick enough her brain could completely give out. Each one she has comes with the risk of losing memories. I'd suggest just making sure she can't hurt herself during each one and try to test her knowledge after, check for memory loss.", he replied. Loki sighed deeply, "So, the medicine isn't working? Don't these symptoms give any hints to the type of poison used?"

"No, afraid not. It doesn't deal with the poison. Many poisons cause the lungs to bleed, the seizures are her body's way of copping with the blood loss. But the medicine seems to have failed, if anything it sped up the poison's cycle.", the healer informed.

I could practically hear Loki's glare. "It what? You said it would help. You said it would work!", he yelled. "I said it might!", the healer replied defensively. "I should have you strung up and cut in every which direction you ignorant-"

"Loki!", I scolded weakly, quieting his voice. "Go inform my father. Pray he doesn't follow through with my word.", he hissed. I listened as the door opened, and shut quickly afterwards. I waited for Loki's footsteps to approach the bed before turning to face him.

Loki's P.O.V

She rolled over, the sheets following her. Her once warm, sunkissed skin now pale. Her eyes so bright and lively now lay dull and weak. I held my arms behind my back, staring down at her small form. "So, I'm now just a bag of blood that has the chance to lose my mind each second?", she asked weakly.

Slowly, I slipped one hand out from behind me, pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I've got two weeks the most, Loki.", she muttered in disbelief. "The healer informed me of five.", I replied quietly, "Now come, allow me to calm your feverish skin."

My armor slowly disappeared as I slipped in beside her. She squirmed forward, pressing her burning body against mine. I held her against my chest, resting my chin atop her hair as I ran my fingers along her back. "Sleep now, dear girl.", I cooed, "Sleep."

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