Chapter II

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School was going along great. It was already the fourth year, and I had outstanding grades. I was at the top of my class beause I had passed all my tests with flying colors. Graduation was so close I could almost taste it. Chris and I went on a group date with John and Dorian because they wanted to keep an eye on me. For me to say the date wasn't awkward would be a lie. John kept a hawk eye on me while Dorian looked around like he had somewhere else to be. When Chris and I would get close, John would cough loudly or trip an inconvenient waiter. Many times Dorian tried to leave or drag John out the door, but John stayed put and kept Dorian in his seat.

When the date was finally over, Chris dropped me off at my house with John and Dorian right behind us. Chris walked me up to my door. John and Dorian stood a foot away from us. Chris gave me a hug. Chris left, and I unlocked the door and walked in. John and Dorian came in a second later.

"So, how was your date?" John asked.

"Oh really. Oh really! You spy on me for the whole date and then you ask how it went. Shame. On. You," I yelled.

I ran to my room and locked the door. I sank down to the floor next to my bed and started crying. I reached under my bed for my memory trunk. I bought a big trunk and engraved the word "Memories" on the top. I snuck back to my old house to collect my precious things. In the trunk was a picture of my dad, my mom, and me; my first teddy bear; my baby blanket; and my dad's old badge. John didn't know about the trunk, but Dorian did because he walked in on my looking through it, once.

There was a knock on my door.

"Alice, can I come in?" Dorian asked. I quickly put the trunk away and wiped my tears. I got up and unlocked the door. I sat down on my bed and Dorian sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry about John," he said. I nodded my head. "The next date, I promise, John won't spy on you," he said. I laughed and gave Dorian a hug. Dorian got up and walked out, closing the door.

The next morning, I got up for school. We were preparing for the big test to see whether we would qualify to be a police officer. I was studying my butt off for this test. The test was tomorrow and would continue until the end of the week. The test had everybody on edge because it was two hundred questions and we had two hours per day.

Mr. Misdow walked in. "So, how many of you think you WILL pass?" he asked. A bunch of hands went up, including mine. He ducked behind his desk. He popped up a minute later wearing a Gandalf outfit. "You SHALL NOT pass! Unless you study," he said in a British accent. I laughed quietly. Mr. Misdow took it off and opened a slide on the screen that had study written all over it. We studied for the rest of the class, and the teacher played Vivaldi music on the stereo.

I got home and went right to studying. I went on YouTube and played Vivaldi. At seven o' clock, Dorian and John came home. I ran downstairs and asked Dorian, "Can you help me with a plug-in?"

"Sure. What do you need?" he asked.

"All of the Vivaldi songs," I replied.

"Okay. Go sit by the computer. I'll be right there," Dorian said. I sat down next to the computer. Dorian came back with a USB cord. He plugged one end into the computer and the other end into the back of my neck. He pulled up all of Vivaldi's songs on YouTube. He clicked download to device. All of a sudden, I felt a rush in my head. It felt cool. Then it stopped. Dorian pulled the cord out. "You're done. Just think "Go Vivaldi" to hear it and "Stop Vivaldi" not to hear it," Dorian said.

"Okay, thanks," I said.

I woke up the next morning to see Chris had texted me, "good luck". I got dressed and slowly walked out, not really ready for the test. I waited at the bus stop. The bus finally came, and I got on. I got to school and walked in slowly like the rest of my classmates. I walked into the classroom and sat down. Chris sat next to me, and a couple minutes later, the tests were passed out.

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