Reina Beaumont - A Mother's Arrow

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A mother’s love can be like an arrow.

With love for their child, that arrow can be straight and true.

And that mother will do anything for her child if she can, and if she has no other option left.

Choice denied:

Is it right to murder someone who is a threat to many, but does not deserve to die by the hand of one who does not have a choice in the matter?

Am I an evil person for doing this, for intentionally taking a life that I personally have no qualms with?

If there is a heaven, or even a hell, as many like to believe, then shall this action be my judge and eventual executioner?

If that is so then may all my actions in my past act as such to go with this action I commit today.

It is only another life, one life compared to the millions I have destroyed in the past.

One life, one shot.

Creators guide me, and forgive me.

For I take this shot for my daughter’s sake.


One Week Ago - Ultimatum:

Two years never seems like a long time.

The years pass by so quickly that it can become a blur and those two years can be gone so quickly that it can seem like they never existed at all.

The silence of the house makes it seem like the two years haven’t passed, as if the silence is waiting for a voice now two years dead to break through it.

Two years since her death and it barely felt like a day ago.

The silence is broken however, by a teenage girl’s voice.

“So how do I make my breasts bigger?

Should I pump them?”

The teenage girl in question is 14 years old, slightly dark brown hair with dark blue eyes that have a hint of brown in them.

She is thin, but not extremely thin.

With her teenage metabolism as well as her body’s continuing development into the woman she will become then any weight she may gain will be burned off quickly, as well as what her born uniqueness takes away.

“They’ll grow, dear, it takes time”

Her mother replies from the living room, the wall that used to separate the kitchen and living room was knocked down back in mid 2007 before they had come to live in the house.


When I’m in my twenties?

I look like a kid with them being this flat”

Her daughter, Karen Linla Beaumont, asks from the kitchen as she makes herself a sandwich.

“I said they’ll grow and they will grow, you can’t rush nature and besides you aren’t flat in the chest department, if you were then I wouldn’t be washing two sets of bras.

Give it time, you’ll develop into a beautiful woman soon, you’re already becoming quite beautiful.

Just don’t go using that beauty for underage sex or there will be fireworks”

Reina Harit Beaumont, who is older than she looks, breaks her chocolate bar and nibbles on a piece.

Since quitting her job at a shopping centre in the city of Aberdeen last week, Reina has found herself feeling pretty bored with no work but the household chores to do.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 26, 2012 ⏰

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