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key; harry, ron, hermione

. . .

what do you want, ron?

what's going on, harry?
why aren't we speaking anymore?

why do you think, ron

i honestly don't know
what did i do?
how can i fix it?

ron think about it
you're the only person out of our whole group who still holds a grudge
we're past all of that, we're friends with draco and blaise and pansy now
we've grown up

i've grown up too

but you haven't, ron
you're still holding grudges
you still can't get over the fact that draco & 'mione are dating


you lost your chance and now you have to live with it because i don't see them breaking up anytime soon
hermione's happy ron, don't you get that?

yeah, but

no, no more buts
you're dating lavender now anyway
you don't have a say in hermione's relationships or her life anymore, you lost that right a long time ago
you lost that right when you cheated on her last year
and with lavender might i add

i didn't mean to
i love her
hermione, i mean

it doesn't seem like you do
it didn't seem like you did either
she's happy now ron, just leave her be
draco makes her happy
don't you want her to be happy?

yeah but not with him
she's too good for him

she was too good for you

. . .


what do you want, ronald

i want to apologize

i appreciate you wanting to apologize, but it won't fix anything

please, 'mione
give me another chance

only my friends get to call me that, and, if i remember correctly, we are no longer friends


and no, i will not give you another chance. you've had multiples chances in the past and you broke every single one of them


i'm with draco now and nothing is going to change that

hermione please
i'm sorry

no ron, i'm sorry.
i'm sorry that you felt the need to cheat.
i'm sorry that you broke years of our friendship and our newly going relationship for some silly girl.
i hope you're happy with lavender and i hope you're happy with your new life because this is what you've created for yourself

hermione granger has blocked ron weasley

i'm so sorry

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