First Day Report

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A/n: Since someone requested a guy POV here ya go! Thanks to SilasAggeleMou for being an awesome beta!

I do have announcement though. This story will temporarily be put on hold. I have been swamped with work and Family stuff so I haven't had the chance to write. Don't worry though I promise it will be no longer than a couple months hopefully less. I have the outline for this I just haven't had the time to get it written. I apologize for making yall wait and will try find the time to write as soon possible.

Owen POV

After school ended the team gathered in Mr Morgan’s bedroom to discuss how the first day went. Mr. Morgan was currently on his computer loading the recordings from the school and while we waited, I opened the discussion.

“ Dr. Green will be late, he had an emergency at the hospital. He will join us as soon as possible. How was your day? Anything important happen in your classes we should know about?” I asked, looking at Mr. Lee to begin.

“Nothing to report. I haven’t had a vision in a while, so I didn’t see anything that could help. Nothing happened in my classes, although the curricular here is way behind.” I haven’t had a vision since Sang was forced to drink that stuff. The only lead we had and we mess it up by abandoning her. Mr. Lee’s thought process was easy to read, I cleared my throat and looked at the youngest Mr. Taylor who shrugged.

“I noticed there was a lot of fighting, but other than that nothing.” Although Sang Baby was pretty jumpy. I nodded my head then looked over at Mr. Griffin.

“I did a patrol around the end of lunch time and when I got to the hallway where Dr. Green holds his Japanese class, a large amount of fights broke out very suddenly. One minute things were normal, and the next thing I knew, friends were arguing over absolutely nothing. It was like a switch flipped or something.”

“Do you think it’s an empath controlling everyone’s emotions?” Mr. Coleman questioned as we thought about what exactly could cause such extreme results so quickly. I looked over at Mr. Morgan who was shaking his head.

“To control that large of a group, you would have to be extremely powerful and push murderous rage out in endless waves for them react like that. I was near that hallway when the fights broke out, and while I did feel the anger from the other students, there was definitely not someone with that sort of anger coming off of one person. I did sense something strange in that hallway, though. It was an odd feeling and hard to really catch the exact emotion. It almost felt like it was underwater with how dulled it was.”

“So you couldn’t tell where this strange feeling came from?” Mr. Morgan merely shook his head.

“No, it was so vague and almost slippery. Unfortunately, by the time I got to that hallway, all the fights had broken out and the anger was so strong…I’m sorry guys it was hard to concentrate.” Mr. Morgan rubbed the back of his head, looking guilty. The elder Mr.Taylor reached over and shoved Mr. Morgan by the shoulder.

“Dude, don’t apologize, I could almost feel the anger in that school myself. To be honest, I’m not sure how you survived for the whole day.” The others nodded and muttered their agreements.

“Mr. Taylor is right, you have shown just how much control you have today, Mr. Morgan. If you do feel your shields cracking, come to me, or Mr. Korba immediately. Do not push yourself.” I stared at the young empath in front of me who nodded his head and muttered his assent. He truly had no idea how strong he was. Any other empath would not have made it to the doors of the school, much less been able to enter and attend classes all day.

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