Prologue | Chapter 1 - His name is Rosetta

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Mandrake's scribbling: Hello readers. I hope you enjoy my story.


A dark figure towered over the knights, its back facing them. The knights were alert and formed a defensive formation. One of them, a woman, huddled close to her companions. Her right hand was missing as it was sliced off. Grimacing from her lost hand, she tightened her grip of her other hand on a glowing sword. In front of the figure, a man laid motionless on the floor, his eyes slowing losing its shine of life. His body had suffered a slash wound across his chest, which bled a fatal amount of blood onto the floor. The dark figure finally spoke. A female voice.

"I'm sorry..."

The dark figure gripped a shortsword dripping with blood. Her figure started distorting as black mist enveloped her whole body. It formed a flowing shroud that seemingly moves not to the wind which has been stilled, but from the heavy aura emanating from her. A bleached skull of a ram slowly materialized over her head.

"I have to do this."

With her transformation complete, she turned towards the terrified knights. With an appearance of an unearthly demon, she said those equally terrifying words.

"I will end everything."



A man shakes up from his sleep. He sits up and stares into the dark, empty space in his cabin. The sound of the train rattling across the tracks can be heard outside in the night.

[That dream... I haven't had that one in a while...]

He sighs and turns his view to the cabin window. The dark scenery of paddy fields in the night slides by as the train carries on to its destination through the night.

[You are proving yourself a hard child to find. I'm worried that I could not find you in time.]

He looks at the cabin's clock. 3.37 am in the morning. The time does not matter to him, but the date does. Eight years have passed since he started looking for the child. Eight years since the time he believed the child was born.

[I'm anxious to meet your parents. I want us to get along.]

He turns down his gaze.

[I hope they will understand.]

[Well then, I suppose I could contact somebody.]

He reaches for his luggage, a big metal case large enough to fit a small adult inside. The case boasts its long history with many scratches on its surface and dark gray patches where the aluminum metal surface has oxidized. From the opened case, he pulls out a smaller case, this one housing a computer. He turns it on and waits for the machine to start up. Even after it turns on, he waited a bit more. Securing a connection safe from spying takes time after all. As he stares at the screen, he thinks about the people he's hiding from.

Traitors. Now powerful with the backing of organizations and nations worldwide, they scour the earth, hell bent on foiling his life mission. He and his companions are now scattered across the world escaping their grasp while pursuing the same mission.

The last one. The child is the last one. Not only the last one. The most important. To him, the child weighs more than the world.

As he reaffirms that, the computer is ready. A black screen with a green text input. Very retro. Like the ones that first began as a tool of the old war. A lot of the computer's processing is dedicated to encryption and secrecy. In this case, function precedes aesthetics after all.

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