Runaway from the pain

Start from the beginning

"They aren't busy. I saw it with my own eyes, Yugi. They lied to you." Solomon said hugging the fragile boy.


Yugi walked up to the group with a small smile on his face. "Hey guy, do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" he asked. No one even looked at him.

"Sorry, Yugi. We have practice." Tristan, Duke, Joey, and Malik said.

"We have dance, sorry." Anzu and Tea said.

"And Ryou is helping us to settle more in and help clean the house up." Atem said. Yugi gave them a fake smile, even though they aren't looking at him.

"Oh, okay. Maybe another time then." He never got a reply back. Yugi turned around and walked away not noticing two pairs of ice blue eyes on him. A single tear slipped silently down his cheek.

~Later that day~

There was a knock on Yugi's door. "Coming!" the young boy said. He opened the door to see Seth and Seto at his door. "Seth, Seto? Is there something I can help you with?" Yugi said with a fake smile.

"Yugi. Don't try to fake your feeling with us. We've seen everyone ignoring you." Seth said putting his hand on Yugi's shoulder. Yugi looked at them in shock.

"Please don't tell them. I want them to figure it out for themselves." Yugi pleaded.

"We won't tell them, but in return you have to tell us if anything is wrong with you. I know we don't show a lot of feeling, but know that we are your friends and that we will help you." Seto said with a tiny smile. (AN: What the HELL did I just write?) Yugi smiled, for real, with tears in his eyes and nodded.

~The next day~

Yugi and Solomon were walking down town with smiles on their faces. That is until Yugi saw something that really broke his heart. There on the other side of the road were his friends, except Seth and Seto, having fun without him. Solomon saw his grandson stop and he became concerned.

"Yugi, what is it? Is something wrong?" he asked his almost crying grandson. Yugi shakily pointed a finger at his laughing friends.

"T-They said they were busy t-today. G-Grandpa w-why didn't they t-tell me." Yugi stuttered and hiccuped as the tears fell down his face. Solomon looked at his friends with anger for hurting his grandson's feelings. He patted Yugi's shoulder with a sad look.

"Let's get you home. I think you need to call Ishizu, Isis, Seth, and Seto. Maybe they'll make you feel better." Solomon said while Yugi sobbed with a nod. 

~Later that day~

"Ooh I can't believe they did that!" Ishizu growled. Isis patted her back to calm her down.

"Neither can I, my love. Why would they lie to Yugi saying they were busy?" Isis calmly asked.

"Puppy did have practice, but he said that they were let out early for working hard." Seto said. "Anzu and Tea got finished with dance early too." Seto continued.

"Ryou and the other got settled in faster than they thought too. They were going to call everyone to hang out since everyone was done. I didn't go because I knew they wouldn't invite Yugi, and their way of hanging out isn't my style." Seth explained. Everyone looked at a curled up Yugi. Seto came over and gently hugged Yugi. (What the HELL!!!! Where is my brain going!!!!!!!!)

"We're sorry Yugi. Is there anything we can do?" he asked. Just then Solomon walked in. Yugi looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

"I just got done talking with your sister. She thinks you should go back to America and live with her. I personally agree with her. You need to get away from this and be happy again, but it's up to you, Yugi." he explained to his grandson and his friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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