Untitled Part 2

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"Really, we can't thank you guys enough..."

Newt waved his hand, shaking his head as he finished cutting a hunk of meat and threw the pieces into a bucket. "Don't. It's nothing, honestly – you'd have done the same for us, I'm sure."

"Well, yeah, of course," Jacob agreed without hesitating. "Absolutely, but...I think you might have just saved our family here, Newt. Are you sure the kids don't mind sharing? 'Cause we could probably find a hotel or something, honest-"

"No, the children don't mind at all," Newt assured him, and he couldn't help but grin to himself. "Lin was actually rather excited at the prospect of seeing Daisy again – she's had her room prepared for the last few days now, making sure it's tidy and that there's enough space. I'm just sorry that we can't offer the children their own rooms."

Now Jacob was shaking his head. "Nah, don't worry about that – back home, Toby and Daisy had to share, and the twins were bunking in the same room as Eli. We were gonna need a new home soon anyways."

It was clear he was upset about it, however; his bakery – his beloved bakery that he had worked so hard for – had been in New York, and that was where the family had called home for over a decade. Newt hoped his father could pull some strings with the Ministry and guarantee the new bakery for Jacob, because Newt knew it would make things seem slightly better that way.

"Well," He muttered, lifting the bucket of raw meat. "Usually the children help me down here after tea, but I think they're currently occupied playing in the garden with your children – if you don't mind, I'd rather appreciate the help."

Jacob's face lit up noticeably as he took the bucket. "Oh, yeah, sure! This is for those Graphorn things, right?"

Newt nodded, smiling tightly. "Yes, well-remembered."

As his friend left the shed, a new spring in his step, the Magizoologist found himself sighing in thought; it wasn't fair that Jacob and Queenie had had to uproot their entire family, nor that all of the hard work put into the bakery was now for nought. Jacob had mentioned leaving the keys with Henry the shop-assistant, leaving him in charge, but it was uncertain as to how long that would last for – besides, no one could recreate Jacob's baking, no matter how skilled they may have been.

He knew that Jacob and Queenie were both incredibly grateful that he and Tina had offered them a place to stay indefinitely – they'd never complain even if they were dissatisfied – but all the same it felt incredibly wrong that they'd been forced into this.


Meanwhile, Tina and Queenie had made themselves comfortable in the kitchen so that they could talk – it had been the first time they'd seen each other in over a year and a half, and it felt so good to just be able to sit and really talk.

Queenie hummed as she sat down with her coffee, a wide smile on her face. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you again, Teenie...it's been far too long."

"Yeah," Tina agreed, pouring some tea for herself before moving to sit in the seat opposite. "I just wish it wasn't under these circumstances."

"I know," Her sister sighed, and her smile faded quickly. "I was actually thinking of visiting anyway, but now... Well, it don't matter anymore. How have you been, Teenie? You not drinking coffee?"

Tina shrugged, making herself comfortable as she came up with a reply – she didn't need to, however, as Queenie's mouth dropped open and her eyes shone.

"You're...You and Newt...? Oh, Tina, I'm so happy for you!" She grasped her sister's hand and squeezed tightly, looking absolutely thrilled. "You should've told me sooner!"

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