The Almost Fatal Mistake

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"Hey! Get it off!" Kid Flash yelled as a small monkey jumped on his shoulder, climbed around on him for a moment, before leaping onto Garfield's shoulder. Except now, the monkey was clutching a prize: Kid Flash's protein bar.

Garfield laughed a painfully familiar laugh, "It's okay." He told them, "Meet Monkey." Monkey took a bite of the protein bar, causing Kid Flash to glare at him.

"Good name," Says the guy who named a wolf "Wolf", "but I hate monkeys." Superboy told him disapprovingly.

Monkey, sensing the insult, tossed the protein bar which hit the Boy of Steel in the forehead. Superboy glared and growled at the monkey, which screeched back at him.

"Looks like Monkey hates Superboys." Kid Flash commented, a smirk on his face, "But Dude - just be glad he only threw a protein bar."

"Hmph." Superboy simply crossed his arms and looked away in response. Garfield took that as a sign that the conversation was over and he continued to lead them into the house.

He glanced around the living room, and sat down on a chair closer to the door and farther away from Garfield. Kid Flash set next to him, while Superboy just stood in the middle of the room, facing the boy at the front.

"So," Garfield started conversationally, "pretty weird about Miss Martian and my mom, huh?"

"What do you mean?" Superboy asked, slightly confused. He noted how the clone immediately stopped pouting and perked up at the mention of the martian girl. Could he be anymore obvious?

"I mean she looks exactly like Marie." He pointed out, and he inwardly nodded, slightly surprised Garfield had noticed it before Kid Flash or Superboy. He always was observant. He thought, a small pain shooting through him. "You know, except greener."

"She does?" Kid Flash asked, his face lighting up in realization.

"Well duh, especially back when mom was a TV star on Hello, Megan! "

And the mystery continues.

"Wait, 'Hello Megan' is a TV show?" Kid Flash asked.

"I just thought it was something she said all the time." He remarked, the words coming out of his mouth of their own accord. With Garfield there, a reminder of a life that was never lived, he found it easier to open up, as if he was back in the simulation.

Maybe this won't be such a bad mission after all.

...I probably just jinxed it.

"Yeah, on the TV show. Way before we were born. Only one season. You can't even find it online ." Garfield informed him, saying that last fact with disbelief. The boy turned and began having a staring contest with the cabinet underneath the television. "I know mom has a tape somewhere." he mused quietly.

As the boy began digging through the old tapes, dust flying upward. He heard Kid Flash mutter to Superboy about something, but he ignored it. Instead, he watched his old (would it be old, if it never actually happened?) teammate deep in thought.

Didn't Beast Boy get his powers when he got sick of some deadly animal disease? And his mom injected him with animal DNA because the cure was fatal to humans, thus giving him his powers.

And here he is on an animal sanctuary...

"Hello, Megan!: The Pilot Episode." He heard Garfield read triumphantly, and he looked up to see Garfield blowing the thick layer of dust off of the tape before inserting it into the VHS player.

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