-13: Monster

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A/N: Brx zkr kdyh wulhg wr ghfubsw, L vxjjhvw brx wr uxq dzdb iurp wkh judvs ri wkh hylo wkdw lv wkh brxqj pdq zlwk klv oblqj eoxh hbhv.

^^^Please decipher this for a hidden message ^^^

-13: Monster


"I must confess that I feel like a monster."
-Monster, by Skillet

[Aichi's POV]

If Kourin ever remembers what happened to her, it would be the end. She won't trust me anymore, she won't love me. So when she saw that I was the culprit, I had to force her to sleep and tell her that what she saw was a dream.

It's another weekend. Recently I have been dreaming about the 'monsters' inside my head; ever since I killed people, they always talk to me. They tell me to do things I shouldn't, and that is to kill. An unforgivable sin a mere person would commit.

And I sin.

The monsters would whisper to me, they tell me to do what I have to. It's kind of making me feel bad about myself, like I have no control of myself.

But I like what I do. If I'm told to kill, I'll do it. If it's for her.

No, I just love her... How did it come to this? My only thing to do is to ask her out...

I know the monsters woke up from my jealousy, fear, and anger. I can't see myself falling for other girls, Kourin is the only one I can see to be my only one.

She's my only destiny.

"Aichi, are you okay?" I heard Kai spoke to me.

I realized I was dozing off during our fight, I looked at my cards and to Kai. "I... is it my turn?"

"Yes, and you haven't been drawing any cards after you took a damage check." Kai replied and frowned. "Seriously, what's wrong with you? You're about to fight me and Ren on the finals, focus on this."

"I'm... sorry..." I replied and looked down.

"Kourin, you came." I heard Misaki spoke and I looked at her, and my eyes went to see Kourin on the counter. I smiled to myself.

"I need to talk to Aichi," Kourin said.

"Yes, but he's currently fighting Kai. You could talk after the fight." Misaki told her.

"Kai-kun, I uh... where was I?" I looked back at Kai who sighed, he looked quite annoyed.

"Your turn," Kai said.

I nodded and apologized before continuing for my turn.

We finished the fight and I won against Kai, we called it a nice fight. I heard footsteps and saw that Kourin is approaching me, I gave a small smile at her.

"Aichi, I want to talk to you alone." Kourin said and I felt happy, I nodded.

"Of course! What is it?" I asked, then I suddenly got dragged out of the shop. We went to the park and we sat by the bench, I looked at her.

"Aichi, I've been having dreams recently. I don't know what it is, but I always see you there." Kourin said.

"Is it a good dream?" I ask.

"No! I mean... it's not! I-I always see you there but I..." Kourin looked at me and she cupped my face. "You're not a bad person, are you?"

My smile turned into a frown, but I had to reassure her I'm not bad. I'm not, the monsters could be.

"I'm not, why are you thinking about that? Are you okay, Kourin-san?" I acted like a clueless person to what she's telling me, it's not the right time to tell her the truth.

"I'm sorry, Aichi." Kourin apologized and put her hands from my face away, "I just have this weird feeling. Because of that dream I'm starting to become paranoid, I don't know what I'm thinking anymore."

I only gave a sad smile, then I leaned near her face and touched her cheeks. I could see her eyes, it looked so dull. "You need some rest, I can assure you those thoughts will fade away."

Kourin looked down and I took the chance to do what I really want to, and that is to embrace her. I know she's shocked of what I did, but then she hugged me back. We stayed like that until she needed to go.

I really want to tell her that I love her so much, but she's scared of what I had done to her before. I kind of ruined it but we worked it out somehow, but then I'm the one who became too obsessed to her. And I know Kourin doesn't like that. She was even scared

"You're a monster!" I gulped as I remembered what she said, and I stood up.

"I'm not a monster..." I muttered.

Aren't you one?

No... Stop! You're the monster!

Me? But aren't you and I the same?

Same? You're controlling me! We're not the same!

I am you, Aichi Sendou.


Yes we are. You are me born out of pure jealousy. You kill people not because of me, but because of you. You did this to yourself, you made me. You're a real cold-blooded monster. You'd do anything even cruel just to be with her.

I... you're right... I'm the monster... I do this for her.

I grinned to myself and gave a little chuckle. I went to follow Kourin and I saw that someone's trying to flirt on her again.

"Guess who's the next victim?" I muttered and watched as Kourin ignored the person and I went to that guy. Luring him to his death.

Yes, I am the monster here.


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