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Like previously stated, no forms are needed but there are a few things that need to be followed.

1. I know I ain't active here, but I'm pretty active as a role player. So I hope you're active as well. It doesn't mean you have to be responding to everything, just... don't be dead...

2. The role plays won't be on here but will be on another app, most likely Discord. So if anything, at least have either or of those usernames or IDs prepared to use.

3. Ahahaha, we're staying hella away from smut. If things start to get heated, take it to the DMs.

4. First Come, First Serve. But don't worry, hopefully, many roleplays will be open and not just one so that people have chances to be a character.

5. Boom Republic

6. Obviously, no bullying/bashing. We reserve the authority to remove you if we observe any rude behavior.

7. uhhhhhhhhhhh idk

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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