One: "Alstroemeria. It's other name is Lily of the Incas."

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"Bye, mummy!" Louis calls out, a large grin on his face as he checks his appearance in the mirror.

His short frame was draped in a fluffy white sweater, the giant piece of fabric slipping off one of his shoulders, exposing his prominent collarbones. Light blue jeans clung to his thighs with small flower pins scattered along the hems. Louis' small feet were stuffed into a pair of worn out vans, the grass stains and dirt smudges from him playing in the backyard everyday.

Oh, and a fresh flower-crown of ivory alstroemeria.

"Hold on!"

Louis jumps at the booming voice and before he knows it, two thin arms are slithering around his body and the familiar scent of coffee beans and cherries make him giggle.

"Mum, I have to leave now." He says, still softly laughing at his mother's wide eyes and red cheeks.

She presses a big kiss on his nose, "I know." She began to straighten his clothes, even attempting to fix the droopy collar but it only fell lower on Louis' shoulders, "But, it's your first day of being a sophomore. My little blue-eyed bub is so grown up."


"And, your first day at a new school." She sighed, her grey eyes trailing over her son's cherubic face, "I'm sorry we had to leave your friends, bub."

Louis bites his lip, staring at his scuffed-up shoes, "It's okay, mum." He shot her a bright grin, "I'll make new friends."

"That's my little soldier." She pinched his cheeks.

The boy giggled, "Not just a soldier, mum. A pretty soldier."

"The prettiest of all."

After one sloppy kiss from his mother, Louis rushed out the front door and began to skip down the sidewalk, until his mother called out to him.

"Wrong way, bub!"

"Oopsie daisy!"

Now, the young boy found himself standing at the tall gates to his new school. The students filed through the front doors and every once in a while, an elbow or a bag would dig into Louis' ribs. The bricks were in shades of browns and reds, the windows sparkling in the sunlight and the grass was a lush green - Louis already knew that his lunch spot would be on said grass and under one of the few trees.

It wasn't long until one of the soft nudges from other students turned into a rough one, Louis gasped as his body collided with the concrete, his pretty flower-crown falling off in the process.

"Nice going, Niall!"

Louis has always been a particularly sensitive boy, and as pure as sunshine. So, his tears were almost automatic as they fell from his eyes, streaming down his cheeks.

"Look! You made him cry."

Two pairs of arms are curling around his waist and hauling him off the ground without a problem - he was very small, so that wasn't a surprise.

"I apologize for my friend, he's a bit.. too excited for another year of hell."

Louis feels heat crawl up his neck and fan over his cheeks, he wipes his tears and looks up just in time to see one of the boys placing his flower-crown back on his head.

"I'm sorry.."

"Louis." The blue-eyed boy says, a shy smile present on his face.

The boy with dark hair grins, his round warm brown eyes crinkling at the corners, "I'm Liam."

"Niall," Says the blonde one, as his hand reaches out to rest on Louis' shoulder, "Are you okay?"

The boy nods, "Yeah, thank you for picking up my crown."

The blonde's blue eyes sparkle, "Of course, Louis. What kind is it?"

"Alstroemeria, it's other name is Lily of the Incas."

"I've always wanted to learn a bit about flowers, you should eat lunch with us and tell me about them." Niall beams, already jumping up and down at the thought of befriending the pretty blue-eyed boy.

"Unless," Liam holds up his hands, "You have other friends." He says respectfully and offers Louis a small smile, which the boy returns, just maybe a bit wider and brighter.

"Oh, no. I don't have any friends." Louis blushes at his words before correcting himself, "Well, not anymore. I just moved here."

"Ah, fresh meat."

Liam slaps Niall's head and Louis couldn't help but giggle - to which the other boys practically cooed at.

"We'll help you get to know the school, only if you eat with us."

"I was going to eat outside, but I'll spend lunch with you two." Louis grins as they begin to walk towards the wide front doors, him in between the much larger boys.

"Good. We're saving you from being attacked by bees, there is a beehive in one of those trees." Liam points behind him, "I don't remember which one, though."

Well, there goes any chances of Louis eating outside. He loved flowers but has been stung too many times over his years from picking flowers that had bees in them - the bees were never happy.

"Wait," Niall frowns, "Liam and I have football tryouts."

"Oh." Louis deflates.

"Blame Coach Marcus, he always insists on starting the year off by playing football." Liam rambles, placing a gentle hand on Louis' back, "But, don't worry. I'm sure that you'll find somewhere to sit."

NOTE : and here is the long-awaited chapter of 'Be a Good Baby' ! we hope you all like it because we are going to enjoy taking care of this baby together (:

- abi & jas <3

Be a Good Baby; larry stylinson [  top!harry bottom!louis flowercrown!louis ]Where stories live. Discover now