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A thousand miles away, a girl is patiently waiting.

For a word. A reminder. A glimpse.

A thousand miles away, a girl is trying hard.

Not to cry. And forget. And lose.

A thousand miles away, a girl is afraid.

With what's happening. What to happen. And the cost.

A thousand miles away, a girl tries to think.

Of possible explanations. Answers. Solutions.

A thousand miles away, a girl hides her doubts.

Her inconsistencies and guilt. Her fears. Her tears.

A thousand miles away, a girl is silently still.

Daydreaming. Feeling. Hoping.

But a thousand miles away, the girl realizes.

That the hope was treacherous.

The doubts are not going away.

Yet the heart still beats.

It still calls for that boy, a thousand miles away.

On a bed alone. In pain. Recovering.

It still hopes for that boy, a thousand miles away.

To see. To hear. To touch.

It still wonders for that boy, a thousand miles away.

If it's a different face. A stranger. Or if it's just his heart.

It still wishes for that boy, a thousand miles away.

To reveal. To bare. To speak.

It still prays for that boy, a thousand miles away.

To be true. To be real. To be hers.

It still beats for that boy, a thousand miles away.

Who has found her. Who made her fall. Who loves her.

A thousand miles can't contain the ache.

Can't settle the score. Can't promise her faith.

A thousand miles won't let them be.

Won't let them see. Won't let them free.

These thousand miles, I curse.

Too much of a coward to blame it on us.

These thousand miles, I loathe.

A nuisance. An unnecessary predicament which causes my insanity.

These thousand miles, I hope.

Will finally end. Will let me continue with clarity. Or will let me move on.

These thousand miles, I do not know.

Why it's have to be.

Why it's all like this.

Why it keeps haunting me.

Can't you see, through a thousand miles.

That I'm hurting? I'm scared? I'm breaking?

Don't you know, beyond a thousand miles.

I'm a mess? I'm fading? I'm drowning?

At the other side of a thousand miles, I shout.

Someone grab him until he decides!

Someone whisper to him he didn't get it right!

On this side of a thousand miles, I whimper.

I can take the pain. I'm strong.

I got your words. I can hold on.

But I can't handle the lies. I'm wrong.

Inside my mind as I look at these thousand miles.

It's not okay. It's not cool.

How can someone so ugly be beautiful?

In the midst of these thousand miles, I sense.

Why can something be so true, yet so false?

And so false, yet so true?

It feels like, between a thousand miles.

You're slipping away.

From my fingers. Which you never were.

From my heart. Which you've always been.

For a thousand miles, I grit my teeth.

Rub my eyes. Spare my lips.

But with a thousand miles, I scream.

I reach. I long. I hold. I believe.

Even if it takes a thousand miles.

I'll be stupid. I'll be damned. I'll be fooled.

Because someday, after a thousand miles.

I like to believe.

We'll touch. We'll tell. We'll see.

That soon, after a thousand miles.

I'll know. I'll feel. I'll love.

But if takes another thousand of a thousand miles,

I raise my hands to the sky.

It has always been up to You.

These thousand miles know.

So maybe.

Maybe if it would take another thousand of a thousand miles,

Without a word. A reminder. A glimpse.

I'll have it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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