Too Good To Be True

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We spoke for hours laughing and finding a lot about each other. "Excuse me I'm going to go to the bathroom." I spoke. "Okay my little flower don't fall down the toilet like you did when you were five!" Me and Jackson laughed and I replied. "I'll make sure to drag you down too if I do fall in." Jackson inhaled. "Ooh feisty!" I laughed as I walked into the toilet. My goodness even the toilet was fancy when the bathroom light is on the toilet seat lights up! This is amazing! I done my business and came out.

Only to find Jackson sitting with another girl they were both smiling and laughing. I felt a heavy pain in my chest and tears stinging behind my eyes. "YOU LIAR!" I screamed. I ran out of the room down all the stairs but it wasn't long till I tripped on my boots because of my boot heels. I quickly got back up and ran no matter how much pain was flowing through my body right now inside and out. I ran out of the building but no I did not run home I ran to Jayden's house. I knocked on the door hoping he would answer and he did. "Alyssa?!" He cried with a puzzled face. I ran into him and kissed him. I didn't know what I was doing but the love I thought me and Jackson had was too good to be true I stopped for a breath and Jayden looked at me in curiosity. "What was that for?" I stopped panting as I realised what I'd just done. What if that was only a friend of Jackson's? What if it was the waitress? I ran out of Jayden's house and ran to mine.

I unlocked the front door and slammed it shut, locked it and hung the keys up. I closed all the windows and curtains. The house was silent so it was easy for me to hear my phone beeping. Jackson.

Oh my gosh! Alyssa! Why did you panic like that and run?!!! You have me worried sick I can't find you! Are you okay?! I went to your house and no one was there I ran to the garden and you weren't there are you okay?! Please don't have done something stupid!

I knew it! I knew the love we had was just way too good to be true damn you spoiled me a lot in just two days you were my first love and now I don't even want to think of you. I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!

Alyssa! If you think this is about the girl I was laughing with she's nobody okay! We were just talking! Please come back! I'm worried!! Message read

Alyssa! Please answer me! Message read

Alyssa! Are you there I swear to god if anything happens to you I will never forgive myself! Message read

Alyssa please!!! Pick up your phone you can't ignore me please I LOVE YOU! Message read

I left my phone on the kitchen floor as I ran upstairs crying into my pillow, screaming into my pillow I punched the boxing bag as much as I could I tried to think of anything apart from Jackson but I couldn't. I turned on the T.V and went onto movies but even that couldn't take my mind of Jackson because he was telling me how much he likes terminator and terminator is on right now. I hugged my knees and cried into them. My life is chaos. That's when I heard banging on my window I didn't dare to see who it was. But they just continued banging and banging and banging.

I slipped off my bed and slowly walked towards the window that was banging. My hands were shaking I moved a tiny bit of the curtain to see a note. I opened the window and took the note before closing the window again and sitting on my bed.

Dear Alyssa

I warned you to stay away from Jayden and what do you do? You run to his house and kiss him well you'll have a surprise tomorrow at school won't you? Everyone will know about how you fell for the guy you met at your birthday party and kissed him several times you even got drunk. And how you asked him for kids. If you want to stop this from happening follow the red string in your back garden or else let everyone hear the juicy talk.
Good luck XOXO

Damn what the hell was I thinking! I took off the black and gold dress and threw on the first thing I saw. So now I am wearing a blue shirt that says I ❤️ Ice-Cream with a pair of black leggings. I quickly put a pair of shoes on and ran outside to follow the red string. As I followed it I realised I was walking more and more into the dark night until the string ran out in the middle of the forest. I heard howling that sounded quite a lot like wolves. "Hey Alyssa." A voice called out. "Hey Alyssa over here." Another called out. "Haha loser look over here!" Yet another voice called out. I wondered what was going on then I saw it from a distance a big dark figure. They walked closer and closer and that's when I realised there was a black and grey wolf standing 4 metres away from me it howled and then I heard other wolves joining in on the howling.

My breathing quickened as I was terrified. I was alone in the forest at night with a pack of wolves unarmed. All the wolves howled at once and I heard a stampede running I was so shocked I couldn't move that was until I heard a voice cry out. "ALYSSA!" I could now see the wolves running and I could see someone running towards me too from my right. It was Jackson. Jackson scooped me up and ran so fast and he stopped when he was able to see houses again. "Alyssa! Thank God you're okay! Don't ever run off like that okay! You could've died just a moment ago!" I blinked in astonishment as to how this guy thinks he can just put our argument aside like that. So I snapped.

"No! You don't get to decide what happens to me! You don't get to take me and run! You don't! You just broke me in two pieces and you're acting as if nothing happened! How did you even find me anyway?!" I screamed furiously my body was heating up and I was damn impatient. "Well tell me then! Don't just stand there!" I shouted. Jackson put me down and walked away slowly. "No! No way do you get to walk away if anyone gets to walk away it should 100% be ME!" I was so mad so angry and hurt how Jackson had treated me tonight. I turned away and ran home I made it just 5 minutes before mum made it home. I quickly got dressed and climbed into bed.

That's when I heard a ping and I remembered my phone was downstairs. Mum walked upstairs into my room and spoke. "Honey you have a me-." Mum stopped as she noticed I was "fast asleep". She put my phone on the desk next to my bed and walked out. I listened to make sure mum was in her room before I checked my phone. Of course it would be Jackson texting me.

I was protecting you.

Hiya my lovely readers! I hope you're all doing good! If you liked this chapter and would like more please vote and comment as it would mean a lot to me.

Questions: Alyssa was saved from the wolves. Does that mean that the girl will upload the photos and videos?
Questions: How will Alyssa's and Jayden's relationship be after the kiss?
Questions: Will Alyssa ever forgive Jackson?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next! Thank you! Xx
To be continued...

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