"How?" Scott asked.

"I don't know."

"We can figure this out later. Let's go home, I'm beyond exhausted."


The next day, I had no focus. How could Malia be a coyote? Honestly, I didn't even know that werecoyotes existed. The entire day, I turned over the possibilities in my head over and over and over......

"I need a volunteer to read chapter 18. Mr. Stilinski?" My head snapped up suddenly to Mr. Yukimura. I was so caught off guard. Wait, I couldn't read this. I can't read, period. I keep forgetting about this whole "losing my mind" thing.

"Um, maybe...Maybe someone else could do it?" Mr. Yukimura didn't budge.

"Mr. Yukimura," Valerie raised her hand,"I can read."

Valerie's P.O.V.

"I appreciate you volunteering, Ms. Hampton, however, I called on Stiles.  Come up front, please."  I gave Stiles a small smile and he reluctantly walked up to the podium.  His brown eyes seemed to vibrate in his skull as he gripped the sides of the podium so tight that the blood was being drained from his knuckles.  He began to exhale loud puffs of air, his face growing paler by the minute.  He looked up, sweat forming on his forehead.  I rose from my seat and grabbed his arm.

"Uh, I should take him to the nurses office."  I placed my hand on his back, his shirt damp with sweat.  I pushed open the door of the luckily empty boy's bathroom and forced Stiles inside.

"Stiles, what's happening?  Is... Is this a panic attack?"

"I don't...  I don't know..." He gripped the edges of the sink as his broad chest rose up and down, sweat developing at his hairline.

"Stiles, hey, look at me!" I grabbed his shoulders, yet his eyes were forced shut.

"I can't... breathe..."

"Hey, just think about something else... Something else, anything else."  It was no use.  He was growing weaker, his knees wobbling as he held onto me.  

I had only one more thing in mind.

Without thinking about anything, I pressed my lips onto Stiles', holding them in place.  His eyes widened as I grabbed his face in my hands and moved my lips against his.  I gently pulled away and blushed.

"Um, I... I read in a book once.... that holding your breath can stop a panic attack, so.... When I kissed you... You held your breath."  And it had worked.  Stiles breathing slowed, the color beginning to return to his face.

"That... That's really smart..."  I smiled and nodded.  He shook his head and slid onto the floor.

"What the hell is happening to me?" he cried.

"We'll figure it out.  You're gonna be fine," I squeezed his hand and waited until his breathing had slowed to lead him out.

Scott met us after class, and showed us a map of the Preserve along with a text from Isaac, telling us to Deaton's immediantly.

~Stiles' P.O.V.~

I helped her into the passenger seat, and Scott joined us moments later. I took a deep breath and drove to the vet's office. I was a little bit nervous. I mean, what if nothing works? What if Mr. Tate actually kills his own daughter? I had a hundred more questions by the time we reached Deaton's office, I actually thought that I might have another panic attack. We hurried inside to see that Allison, Isaac, and Lydia had beat us there. Deaton was waiting for us, three small viles of clear liquid on the table in front of him.

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