"It has to be!" Tej shouts back, then pauses for a moment. "The nuke is hot, T you gotta get outta there."

    "I'm trying!" She shouts through clenched teeth.

    "Countdown!" Tej says startling the blonde. "Look for a countdown, it should be there."

    Teagan nods her head and stands in the middle of the room before using an eagle like stare to search the room. Finally seeing the numbers, she runs over and pulls the chip. The door opens and she lets out a sigh of relief once the countdown stops.

    "Come on," Eric beckons the girl. "We gotta get outta here."

    "Okay, okay," She says and shoves the chip in the inside pocket in her jacket. She runs past Eric after Tej and Roman with the officer on her heels. Roman goes up the ladder first, then Tej, Teagan and Eric. They all run back to their cars to see the other three standing there waiting for them.

    "You alright?" Letty asks.

    "There's nothing alright about any of this," Roman comments. "Let's go."

    "What about the missiles?" Ramsey asks.

    Teagan pulls out the chip and shows the three standing in front of her. "Finally my linguistics skills come in handy."

    "You know Russian?" Hobbs asks perplexed.

    "Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Teagan asks back in a rhetorical manner. "Now let's go!"

    She runs to her car before getting inside and taking off. She was in the back of the group, but that was fine by her. The ground behind her starts rumbling by the sound of engines and she glances back, her eyes widen tremendously.

    "Guys we got company," She says into the radio. "A lot of company."

    "Alright team, here is the plan. There is a Sea lock at the opening of the bay, we get there first, and close it, and we can stop the submarine from escaping into open water and disappearing forever." Hobbs voice states through the radio. Ramsey's was quick to follow.

    "I got the location," She says. "It's ten miles south west."

    "Ten miles?" Eric asks. "We're not going to make it ten seconds."

    Getting onto the ice, Teagan watches as the orange Lamborghini spins out of control. She holds back a laugh as the car gets back on track. She speeds up and makes it in front of Tej and keeps a steady pace within the pack.

Teagan tuned out all the chatter coming from her radio and just kept her eyes on the road. Until a booming explosion peaks her interest and she looks back to see Tej used the tank on the separatists following us. As she let out a hearty laugh, Roman's voice echoes through the car.

"We got snow mobiles on the right," He says. She looks over just as Letty yelled that they were going to flank us. Of course in the moment, Hobbs took the opportunity to plow them down with his big ass truck.

Of course only seconds later, Roman bolted in front of Teagan and her car spins a little as it loses traction. That's when a missile hit the ice right in front of Roman's car and he spun out of the way, but ended up half his car in water.

"Tej!" Roman shouts.

"I'm on my way," Tej's voice answers.

Teagan regains traction and pulls forward toward the front of the pack near Letty and Eric. As Tej helped Roman with his dilemma, she kept going forward. Not even seconds after Hobbs got Roman in his truck, Teagan's wheels hit thin ice and down she went.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" She shouts. She was stuck right there, not moving forward but instead slowly sinking downward. Her front left wheel already fully submerged and water lapped up to her shins. She grabs her radio and shouts, "Can someone please help me? I hate wet socks."

Just as she says that, the car takes a nose dive and the water pours quickly. Her teammates shouted her name through the radio as the car sank, but she couldn't do anything. She lets out a frustrated grunt before unbuckling and trying to open her car door. Thicker ice leaned right against it and didn't seem to be moving anytime soon. The only that door was opening is if she sank deeper.

Using her body weight, she starts to rock the car forwards and it tip so that the car sank nose first into the water. Teagan sucks in a huge breath of air before the icy water cascades over her head. She opens her eyes ignoring the stinging sensation the cold water gave them and opened the car door. She starts to swim towards the sunlight, but her limbs stiffen from the freezing temperatures.

Just as her hand surfaces to grab onto the thicker ice, it slips and she sinks back into the icy abyss. She was never one to be able to hold her breath for long, so out of reflex she opens her mouth and starts to convulse under the water pouring into her lungs.

As it all starts to fade away, a hand grabs onto her wrist and pulls her up. Breaking the surface she starts to cough and gasp at the limited air supply. From the force of the pull, she and her savior fall over and she lands on top of him. After refilling her lungs, she looks up to see the familiar sapphire eyes.

"Are you okay?" Eric asks her.

"Peachy," She gasps out and he chuckles.

"Come on." He helps her stand up and the two get into his car. She listens through his radio as the rest of the crew bombards him with questions on whether or not Teagan was okay. "Guys, guys," He shuts them all up and gets back into the chase behind Tej's tank. "I got Teagan, she's okay. But we got another problem that truck has enough missiles to take us all out."

"Don't give him a target," Hobbs voice says. "Everybody get in front of us, line up and we'll take the hit."

"He's crazy," Eric says and shakes his head.

"Th-that's Hobbs for y-you," Teagan chatters.  Even though she was no longer drowning, her clothes were soaking wet and it was freezing. Her chances of surviving hyperthermia were slim to none.

"Hey, hey, hey," Eric says as he notices her eyes start to droop close. "You stay awake, we're almost there."

She just nods her head and keeps her eyes on the road in front of them while tuning out the chatter on the radio. A few explosions happen around her and Eric makes a comment about someone on their team, but she couldn't hear him. Everything was fuzzy. First her hearing, then slowly her eyesight. The moment the snowy white path in front of her started to go dark, she started to close her eyes not hearing Eric's protests for her to stay awake.

Eric saw the girl fall into unconsciousness just as they all drove in front of Dom to protect him from the fiery blast of the submarine exploding. He turned the car so that the driver's side was getting most out of the blast. He then threw his body over Teagan to keep the heat wave from hitting her. Shades of orange and yellow danced around the car as he closed his eyes to shield the unconscious blonde.

When all the colors disappeared and the smoke rose up, Eric rushed out of his car and to the other side where Teagan lie limp. He takes hold of her head and tries to wake her but it does nothing. He feels for a pulse and lets out a relieved sigh when he finally feels one. It was weak, but it was a pulse.

He quickly stands up to see Letty and Dom in a reunion hug and the other letting out cheers for their win.

"I hate to ruin the festivities," Eric yells above everyone gaining their attention. "But Teagan needs a hospital pronto."

"Teagan?" Dominic asks and Eric nods his head. "What happened to her?"

"She almost drowned," Eric explains. He looks over at Tej knowing exactly who he was to the girl in his car. "She might have hyperthermia, she'll last a few hours at most, but she needs a hospital."

"Then what are we waiting for," Dominic says. "Let's go."

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