Chapter One

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Exactly one year later, Teagan sat on the porch swing with ten month old baby Trixi in her arms feeding her a bottle. After having her kids Teagan was able to get herself a job as a translator for the LAPD. Today was her day off so she decided to spend it with her kids and when Tami came home they would all go to the park. Tami was an ER nurse working the night shift. Toni was inside taking a nap so that made Teagan's life a little easier at the moment.

    As Trixi starts to fall asleep, Teagan carefully stands up and walks inside to put the baby in her crib next to Toni. Sighing, she leaves the room and goes into the kitchen to get herself a snack. As she is doing so a loud knock echoes throughout the house.

    "Tami, I swear if you forgot your key..." Teagan is cut off once opening the door to see an agent standing there with a black van parked at the curb behind him. "Can I help you?"

    "Yes," The boy says and takes off his sunglasses. What was he, some sort of wannabe cop? "Is Teagan Woods by any chance home?"

    "That's me," She says.

    "Oh, great," He says with a smile. And before she could comprehend what was happening, she was handcuffed and being dragged to the van.

    "Hold up," She says and starts to fight against him. "Can't this at least wait until my sister comes home?"

    "Sorry, no," he says and looks at his watch. "We are already two minutes behind schedule."

    "No you don't understand!" Teagan shouts and flings herself backward trying to get away but his grip tightens on her. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Tami's black Sedan pull up into the driveway.

    "Teag?" Tami asks then fully figures out what was happening. "Teagan!"

    "Tami!" Teagan shouts and looks at her sister. "Look after Trixi and Toni! I'll be okay, just take care of them!"

    With that she is thrown into the van and as it starts to drive off, a brown bag is placed over her head.


    She had no idea where she was, but she knew it was far away from East LA. Somewhere north, probably Eureka. Teagan struggled the whole way inside, during the process she was able to stick her hand in her pocket and pull out a bobby pin. She is pushed down into a seat and the bag is pulled off her head. She squints her eyes at the blinding light before fully understanding her surroundings.

    "Shit," she mutters. She sat at the head of the table and on the left side sat Letty, Roman, Tej and this girl with an afro.

    "Teagan?" Tej asks and she looks at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"

    "Not sure," She says and looks to afro chick. "Who are you?"

    "Who am I?" She asks as if she was more superior to Teagan. "Ramsey, genius hacker that invented God's Eye."

    "Oh, I've heard about you," Teagan nods and sits back. "Didn't think Dom would let you onto the team, we already got a tech expert."

    "We?" Roman asks and everyone looks at him. "You left us. There is no we."

    "Well, I'm here aren't?" Teagan asks. "I'm guessing we are back to being a team again."

    "Can you all just shut up?" Playboy wannabe says.

    "No," Tej, Teagan and Roman all say at once. Tej looks over at Teagan and she looks away from his gaze. She did not want to be in the same room as him.

    "Why'd you leave?" She hears him ask. She looks up at him to see him completely heartbroken. He loved her with all his heart and she left and never came back. "You said you were going to live with your sister, and then you never came back. Why?"

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