Chapter 2: Training

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Day 2:

I wake up from a deep sleep. I hear knocks on the Window.

quickly I jump out of bed and open the door.

"There you are Rookie, The names Martin. We aint got all day here so get moving. Theres food at the mess hall, then you grab your weapons and head back here, then await further instructions. Understood?"

"Yes sir, Im ready"  I say.

So me and Martin head to the mess hall.

I find out that Martin has been here for 9 weeks, He tells me what the good foods are and all that stuff.

It was a brief breakfast but a good one as well.

Im walking out to pick up my weapons when I see Carter training with his dog Rocky.

"Hey Cart!"  I shout.

Carter looks at me and gives me a signal to come here.

I walk over to Carter and he wants to show me a few of Rockys tricks.

He sniffs out fake IEDS and C4. I give an applause. Rocky comes over to me and I lower my hand to pet him.

"Mike you might not wanna-"

It was too late, Rocky bit my hand instantly causing it to bleed.

"Gah! Son of a!"  I shout.

"He bites..." Carter says.

"I realize that!" I say.

He says sorry and gives me a bandage and follows me to pick up my weapons.

Once we get to the weapons center, I say hello and introduce myself.

"This is the weapon center. Take an M4 or an MP5. They should do."

"Thanks." I say.

Im back on my way to my 'Home' With Carter and when we're about 200 yards away, we hear:

BOOM! "Holy! What just happened?!" Carter yelled.



"Take cover!!! We're under Mortar fire!" Carter screams.

We run to the 'Home' and a minute later, the Mortar fire stops.

"Thank god!" Carter said.

"Yeah that was crazy!"  I say.

Me and carter talk a bit more and he leaves.

I continue to stay in my home for the day and eat some of my own food.

I wanted to go to sleep early to get rested up since the first day of training was tomorrow.

I drift off into another sleep.

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