Chapter 1: Hogwarts Letter ( and a little of Caia's background)

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Caia's POV

Today is my birthday. I have been waiting for this day for 11 years. Why, you may ask. Easy. Today's the day I get my Hogwarts acceptance letter. When I get the letter, I'll finally be able to escape my nightmare of a family. My family only cares about blood status, if you're not a pureblood, you're beneath their notice. You're probably wondering, 'blood status, Hogwarts, WHAAA?!' Well, I'm a witch. Hogwarts is the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Sure, it's not the only one, but it's the most popular one. Blood status is the amount of magical blood you have. I'm a pureblood, a Ribeiro to be exact. My bloodline is the most ancient and powerful of wizardry. The first wizard was a Ribeiro, which makes my family practically wizard royalty. We also all have 'special' powers. For example, my father is a natural Animagus. A natural Animagus can take the form of any animal, while the potion only allows you to take the form of your Patronus. My aunt on my father's side is a Parselmouth, she can talk to snakes. She was Slytherin's Princess, while my father was Slytherin's Prince. They are twins, so they were in the same year and house at Hogwarts. My whole family has been in Slytherin. Because of my ancestry, my powers showed up almost immediately after I was born. Apparently, I'm one of a kind, because I have every power any of my ancestors have had. They call me a praetor, a leader of sorts. I've mastered all of my powers except for my Meteorite powers. I can control the weather to some extent, but when I get 'emotional', it gets out of control. That's why I've been learning to control my emotions since I was two. Since I've had my 'powers' since I was born, I've been practicing since I was three. I mastered nonverbal and wand less magic at the delicate age of five, which is a huge accomplishment considering Lord Moldyshorts can't even do wand less magic. The only person who knows about my, shall we say, gifts, is Albus Dumbledore. He says if my family knew, they would only use me. I mean, COME ON!! They are supporters of Moldyshorts, just not the way he's going about it. The same goes for the Blacks, another ancient wizarding family. Neither of our families openly support him. They have a son my age apparently. Most pureblood families betroth their children to other pureblood children. Loads of inbreeding. Thank Merlin my mum put her foot down on that aspect, though she clearly would prefer my spouse to be pureblood.-------------

Still Caia's POV( what's happening outside of her mind)

Suddenly, an owl swoops in with a letter. The address states: Ms. Caia Ribeiro, Ribeiro Manor, Second largest wing of said manor, London, England.

Dear Ms. Ribeiro,

We are pleased to inform you that you've been accepted into Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The list of required books and other magical items that you need are enclosed in this letter. We expect your return owl no later than July 31st.


Minerva McGonnagal

Deputy Headmistress

" MUM! I got my letter!" I raced down the hall, screeching like a banshee.

" Oh honey, that's terrific!" she screamed with me, pulling me into a tight hug. I look a lot like my mum. I share her bright cobalt blue eyes and pale complexion, but I have my Fathers's white blonde hair.

"Oh my, we need to go to Diagon Alley! I could owl Walburga and see if her and her son, Sirius, would like to accompany us!" she squealed.

"Oh, that would be wonderful, I would know somebody before going to Hogwarts!" I responded joyfully.

I'll owl her and Hogwarts while you go get ready. And dear, please don't wear muggle clothing," she told me as I ran upstairs. I pulled on my robes and some Converses before rushing downstairs. " Let's go, Caia! We'll meet them there," she said whilst grabbing my shoulder, quickly apparating us to Diagon Alley.


Hello readers! This is the first chapter of Female Marauder! Hope you enjoy and I shall update as soon as I get one vote!


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