Part 2

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So you read this story with your own names,it can be yours,a friends,or just a name you like

"Oh hey" remember part one
Talking about how I feel and me talking about how I felt happy for some time. Well since your here let's talk about it...
Let's talk about the first day I met the person that made me feel happy.i don't remember the actual day we first met.but I remember how I felt. I was eating my lunch with my friends there was a group of friends that sat by us he sat in front of me I looked at him...he looked at me and that's how it all began. "Hi I'm .... " says ....
"Um hi I'm ... I know who you are from a friend of mine she says your nice, how are you?"
"Really? Well it's nice to meet you.... I'm doing good,you seem really sweet." In the mind of ...: wow he's talking to me I always thought he was cute.he doesn't really know me and I have no classes with him,I don't have a chance. Anyway I'm trying to see if someone else likes me...
"We should hang out some more and get to know each other we should be friends" says .... while smiling
" yah your cool and funny lets hang out more" says ....
Days past they talk more get to know each other,she starts feeling something,something she hasn't felt in a long time,it was a good feeling.not like others she gets...
One day something happens to the girl with the person at the time she liked
She's broken... she texts ....
He says she could do better then him and that he well be there for her. ....likes ....
She tells ....
"Yah I need to get over him,I like him but I also like someone else...but I don't know if he likes me back."
"Maybe he does ask him,I'll be there for you to help you get over him,I'm sorry that he hurt you..."
In .... head: how should I tell him maybe I should get a friend to ask if he would date me...would he be the one to make me happy again?
"Well I'm gonna go thank you for helping me,I'm gonna try to tell the other person I like him.i hope he likes me back."
"Same here goodbye" she felt something click,a feeling she havent felt in a long time.she went to sleep happy, she didn't cry herself to sleep even though She was just hurt.he made the problems go away...
He made her feel different,She felt happy,She felt cared for, she didn't feel sadness.she felt ALIVE! Maybe he can be the one that makes her happy.maybe her problems well go away.she might not have a chance with him but why not try?

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