The offices

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Shelby's POV
  Today is my first day at SkyMedia my office is right next to the editors booth and I'm by Max so I can't cut.My schedule for the day is
Agents with Max
Do not laugh
Who's your daddy
Last sim standing
A few hour later
"Done!" After I got done I went into the bathroom and cut he doesn't love you he feels bad for you Ross is just being nice I realized how many slashes I made and then everything went black .

Alesa's POV
"Adam the bathroom is locked and no one is in where are the keys!" I yelled "In Jake's office!"Adam yelled back
"Thanks!"I said. When I got into the bathroom I saw Shelby lying on the floor bloody with cuts on her wrist. "Adam call 911! Shelby's Hurt!" I screamed

Max's POV
I hear Alesa yell and I run to Shelby pick her up bridal style and run her to the hospital I run as fast as I can I know if I stop she will lose more blood so many thoughts are chasing around in my head.Then we are at the hospital I run her inside I yell "HELP SHE'S HURT SHE CUT HERSELF HELP SOMEBODY!!!!
They take her all I can do is sit and wait I think why would she do that why her she is so full of happiness and laughter. I started to cry then the doctor came and said "You can see her now."
"Thank you." I say. I walk into the room and see her scars and her cuts and  I start sobbing "M-Max" She says at a whisper. "S-Shelby y-your a-awake!" I say in between sobs "Why would you do that?" I asked "because"  "um excuse me here are her discharge papers just sign and she can come home." A nurse said "thank you" I replied. I signed the papers and everyone was at the hospital so Ross drove us home, Shelby and I sat in the back. She rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. Then Adam called"tomarrow night do you guys want to go out to dinner?."
"Sure ." I said then I hung up. When we got home I picked Shelby up bridal style and brought her to my room.
Then I took a shower Shelby walked in the bathroom as I got out I thought fuck I forgot to lock the door. I reach over to my towel as Shelby giggles I say "Hey!" She runs out I get dressed and go over and tickle her so much she starts yelling "HELP!" Which then turns into giggles. When I stoped we watched a movie and fell asleep. The next morning I woke Shelby up with tickling and she. Screams then laughs. I called Adam " Hey instead of going out for dinner we could just have a party at my house what do ya say?" "Sure" Adam says. Next I made waffles while I went to the bathroom I found Shelby eating my waffles I say "hey those were mine!" She responds "Are you MadMax!" Than I start attacking her with tickling.

Shelby's POV
Max starts ticking me and I start laughing and giggling the he says "hey we are having a party here tonight!"  
"Yay!" I scream.

Time skip to the party

"I love you and I want you to be my boyfriend." " I love you Shelby so yes"
Jess comes up stairs and greets Shelby "hi" " hey Jess " I replied.
"Come on we are leaving then we are going SHOPPPING !" jess yells "ok" I reply

Sorry this was a little short I promise next chapter 1000 words

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