Oh Boy a Tag!

16 3 12

Dude, i havet done a tag in ages!  This is gonna be fun!
Tagged by FacelessTwins

1: How old are you?

Well, i don't mean to brag, but I'll be 16 in a few weeks.  Don't forget my presents guys!

2: Who are your fav cinnimon roles?

Well, there's:
-Pops from Regular Show
-Steven from Steven Universe (and Amythest too...and maybe Peridot...and Pumpkin...ok maybe like most people/gems in that show)
-Teddie from Persona 4 (even tho hes kinda a perv)
-Pearl from Ace Attorney
-and u too ♡(。- ω -)

3: Whats the last anime you watched?

One Punch Man.  It was pretty funny tbh haha

4: Whats the last band and song you listened too?

Mystery Skulls-Music
Its pretty good

5: Where are you from?

The southern part of a free country run by a 71 year old business man and reality tv star

6: What country do you want to go to?

Well Japan for one (it seems like a cool place), Canada seems nice to go to, and Britain sounds lovely.

7: Do you have pets?

Ive gots 2 loveable doggos

8: How tall are you?

*is wearing very very tall platform shoes* Im like 6' 7", yep
Totes not lyin' haha
*is actually like 5' 2-3"*

9: Which fanfictions do you read about?

Im all about that gay stuff yo
All about it
All that gay
ALL.  OF.  IT.

10: 3 OTPs.  Go!

1. Garnet (i mean technically she already is just a physical embodiment of Ruby x Sapphire)
2. Kanji x Naoto in Persona 4 (its so obvious that one likes the other and thats enough to ship it)
3. Literally all the things with all the things. (Brotps count as otps right?)

Tags of my Peeps

If u were tagged i love u
If u werent im sorry i still love u
(´。• ω •。') ♡

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