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Kendall Jenner P.O.V
Shit. I'm late for keeping up. My mom would kill me. I quickly grab my towel and went to the bathroom. Then i started my car on and drove to studio in LA. When i stopped by the traffic light.. i saw him. Harry Styles. No Kendall, it just a huge billboard. It's his album's cover called Made in the A.M. I could see him from the seat of my car. Shit Hazz, why do you have to be so adorable? I lost my mind and i just realized i didn't move when the lights turned into green!

"SHIT" i cursed to myself

I arrived at the studio and there were my mom, koko, and kylie.

"There she is" Kylie pointed on me "for your eyes only... i saw you my heart." She started singing an unfamiliar song. What the hell is going on with her.

"You ok, sis? Check youself" i chuckled

"Aaah Kenny, don't be such a prude. I know you've been listening to his new album. Olivia and for your eyes only, definitly for you. I have no doubt." She said "hmmm.. actually i have doubt for a little. I mean, when you listen to his song, i know you'll be thinking it just for youuu." She laughed

"You're so obsessed with one direction, Ky. Plus with your sister relationship." Khloe shook her head

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?" I yelled to them. I truly didn't understand their conversation.

"Hushhh Kendall, you're so late! Hurry up! Then we'll have a lunch in Nobu." As always, mom.

"Oooh i'm soooo hungry. I'll kill for sushi." I said

"Oh.. you're so hungry, huh? Hungry because you wanna eat Mr. Styles?" Kylie teased me

"Ewwwh. What's wrong with you?!?! Stop talking about him"

"Have you listen to their new album?" Khloe asked me

"Not yet" i said

"She's lying, obviously." Kylie accused me

"Why would i do that, sis? It's not a big deal huh? They're musician, it just an album." I said to them

"Yeah.. except for the fact that he wrote songs about you"

"Ken? Can i ask you something?"

"Mom? You never ask me before if you want to ask me something.. i mean.. what's going on with you guys? So weird. I'm scared."

"Oooh honey, don't be. Koko, mom, and Ky just want to know.. how things between you and Harry?" Shit. Khloe just made a point. Did they know? How?

"Wh...aa..t?" I said "let's be clear here.. why do you think there's something going on between me and him?"

"First, we all know you're in London last month. But.. we know more than that. Source told us something happen between you and him." Khloe just made it clear "are you dating again with him?"

Shit. They got me. I don't know what to say.

"Nahh here is some pictures. It was you. I can tell." Kylie show me some pictures from OTRA concert in Brimingham. Shit. I kept talking to myself.

"You know, ken. If something going on and it makes you happy, you should tell us. I'd be very happy to hear that." Khloe said to me

"Yeah.. ok.. let me explain." I took a breath "Yes, there's something going on. Suddenly we talked again, about stuffs you know. Then yes, you know what happen next."

"Actually, i don't." Kylie said "just answer me, you dating again with him, yay or nah?"

"Maybe" i said it.

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