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Chapter Two: Math Sprints and Cafeteria Bullies

You ignore the boys complaints about going to math class. How can you listen when all you're doing is thinking about finding limits and solving equations? As you speed walk down the halls, you hum a little melody. That's when the boys shut up to hear you mumble the little tune. 'She sounds like a muse!' the boys think to themselves happily. They pout as you come to a stop.

     "Something wrong?" you ask the group as you take a peek at your phone. You still had three minutes before class started. "Your voice." Kaito explains, you jump a little. "What about it?" you prod on with a worried expression. "It's flawless!" they all grin as you feel a tint of pink color your cheeks. "Anyway I don't see why you're so excited. Its just math." Ren shrugs as you gasp.

    Poor Ren didn't know he had just hit a soft spot. You realize that but no-one dishonored your love of math!

     "Just math? Math is not something ordinary! It's simple yet complex! And I'll have you know today is Math Sprint day in my class! If you hate math so much then go to gym or something!" you cross your arms and pout. Ren shakes his head in refusal. He didn't want to lose time with (H/C) headed girl. "I'm sorry! Geesh you really love math huh?" he rubs the back of his neck.

     "Its one of my many passions!" you grin and open the door. Just as you all sit down the bell rings. You inform your math teacher of the new students and watch as they introduce themselves. "We'll start with a new sprint day...." you wander off into a dream land of math as Ms. Kurenai explains how math sprints work. "(Y/N) and Kaito will start us off!" you look to Kaito with a glare as the two of you walk up to the board.

     "You are going down." you whisper to him as you pick up a dry erase marker. "We'll see." Kaito glares playfully at you. Ms. Kurenai writes a problem on the board. Kaito gawks at the simple -at least for you-problem.  "Ready. Set. Go!" everyone cheers you and Kaito on as you both race to come out on top. "Done!" you both yell, slamming your markers down. "What just happened?" you both ask, looking to the teacher.

     "I'm pretty sure I won." Kaito grins at you with a fire in his eyes. You can't help but glare at his futile attempt to make you nervous. "When you have many wins under your belt like me, confidence comes easy." you snap back. "You and I both know I'm way smarter than you." Kaito laughs as everyone gasp. "Guys we need to leave now." Tatsuya whispers to the other boys. "Why?" Alex ask with curiousity.

     Lucky for the inquisitive Alex, he was about to find out what Tatsuya meant.

     "Smarter? Look little boy blue..." you poke him in the chest, not even caring if your words were insulting. "....check your grammar. Its not smarter, that's not even an actual word in the dictionary! You of all people should know that since you seem like an 'all bark no bite' kind of person!" you rant on as you continue to poke Kaito. "That's why." Tatsuya groans as you and Kaito argue. The rest of the class found it amusing, letting out small laughs ever so often.
      "Come on!" Tatsuya drags Ryo over with him towards you and Kaito. "BREAK IT UP!" Ryo yells, causing you two to stop shouting. "Both answers are correct, so both of you have to go sit down and wait your turn!" Tatsuya snaps at you. You glare at him before you and Kaito turn away from each other. Your (H/C) strands of hair whip Tatsuya and Ryo in the face, making them yelp as the four of you head back to your seat. "I hate you!" you grumble sitting next to Tatsuya.

     "I love you too!" Tatsuya wraps his arms around you for a hug, burying his face into the crook of your neck. You cross your arms sending death glares at Kaito. "The next round between you two should be fun huh?" Alex attempts to break the silence between everyone. "I surely hope (Y/N) doesn't hate me after I take her down. I wouldn't have any friends!" Kaito attempts to tease you.

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