Chapter 1: Silver

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Silver was a girl who every guy wanted a piece of. She had short dark hair, slim build with minor curves, a strong spirit, the most hypnotising pair of purple/blue eyes anyone had ever looked into and sleek, raven coloured wings. Her face held a story of the time she was attacked by the blue devil; Nightcrawler, Kurt, in the streets of Washington but the only image to that story was a slicing scar running across her right cheek.

All Silver wanted was to find the right guy. Someone who would treat her well and give her the respect she deserved. Maybe if an Angel could help.

After hours of thinking and countless mental arguments, Silver decided to take a trip to Berlin in Germany to clear her head and get some down time. After all, her teleportation powers were exhausting her as well as all the flying and if she continued to train for too much longer, Silver knew she would cause herself some real damage or worse.

So she packed a rucksack and left a note to the Professor explaining why she was taking leave for a while before heading down to say goodbye to her two beautiful Pegasus named Jigsaw and Indina. Silver also set herself a goal. She would  find the right guy for her. Alright, admittedly it was a stupid and reckless goal because in the real world, 'the right guy' doesn't exist. Silver knew that but stuck to what her mind told her. She took one last look around before taking off onto the cool night air.

Hours and hours of flying passed and Silver finally arrived in Berlin. She checked in to the best Mutant-friendly Hotel room that was there and dumped her rucksack on the floor by the wardrobe. She would be here for a few days so there was no need to unpack and besides, if something urgent popped up, Silver would have to cut her vacation short and help out.

It was minutes later that Silver made her life changing decision. She hopped up off of the bed and dug around in her rucksack until she found the perfect outfit. If you hadn't guessed it already, Silver was going out to the roughest bar she could possibly find. And if my dear readers you are wondering what her life changing decision was, then it was her decision to go out to the roughest bar she could find.

That's where she would meet The Winged Warrior. His name...

Angel . . .



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