All Of You Is In Me- Chapter 3

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Hey everyone !! sorry for so much of delay.Thank you for all your love and support.Do give votes .It will help me also I promise to be regular from now on .Love ya😌😌😘😘
N: So karan where am I supposed to sit
K: you are not supposed to sit anywhere you gotta work
N: what
K: (laughing) just joking naina
Karan takes her to a place
K: so basically this is your cabin.Everyone who comes here is never given a cabin at first but sir trusts you so much
N: woah!!! That means I have to really work hard
K: Yup you need to and also be careful from some people okk?
N: OK but may I ask why?
K: because you came here and on the first day itself cabin and all and there are so many people trying their best to impress Sir and get cabins
N: there are many??
K: yup 15-20 free but sir gives to only those who do their work with hardwork and determination not just for a cabin!!!!
N: Mahnn!!! How did I even get a job over here
K: Nice joke now let's get serious
N: Yeah OK
K: So this is your computer and these are the important documents.You are supposed to keep noticing what's happening and even your one mistake can cause a loss for the company
N: Hmm Ok
K: Heyy!! Common dude don't make that sulky face.I am here to help you out
N: but I can't call u every minuite
K: Nope but you can do something else
N: what
K: my office is a connected room and its connected with this.So anytime you want help you can just slide the door or call me.Its totally not a problem
N: Thank you so much karan
K: My duty ma'am
N: wait please no ma'am🙇
K:lol OK then let's get on with our work
N: yeah OK
Within a short time naina gets a order in her computer and gets busy checking all the data informing the chief engineer and so on.That day the company gets so many orders
N: omgg!!! This is so much of work dude
She sits till 8 over there completing the orders.Karan comes through the other door.
K: naina still here
N: yeah!! Gotta complete some orders
K: its OK do it tomorrow
N: no karan tomorrow more might come I can't leave work pending
Karan smiles at her determination to work
K:I'll stay here then
N: nope!! Why are you staying here for me
K: because its dangerous
N: lol I have seen half of my life living alone scared. this in fact is more better
K: whattt
N: nothing
K: OK then bye
Karan goes out
N: why is he so good.I never felt so much of happiness in my life
why is he so positive
Karan hears everything from outside and realises there is something in naina's life that's bothering her.
He then sees her working and looks at her adorable face and smiles.Its 9:30 he realises she is coming out
He quickly goes and arranges some papers
N: Karan still here
K: yeah sir called me and gave some more work
N: oh!! Bye then
K: how are you going.
N: actually my driver comes but its so late I don't wanna disturb him
K: ohk then lemme drop you
N: no its OK I'll manage
K: so I am not a friend😕
N: Omgg karan.OK fine drop me
K: You can't say no to me
N: yeah
Then suddenly look at each others face
They go.In the car karan talks and tried to know about her.Naina very carefully doesn't reveal anything.
Karan drops her and goes

Precap : Meghana in the house .Fighting.nairan romance
So basically there is going to be so much of drama happening
stay tuned to the next episode.2parts will be uploaded as its gonna be a big episode

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