“Harry?” I said breathlessly.

“Yes” he said kissing my collarbone.

“D-do you want to go to a drive-in theatre?” I asked.

“Right now?” He said nervously

“Yes, tough guy. Well I would have to change into something warmer and bring blankets of course.” I chimed.

“Okay, okay” he said making a defeated gestures. He gave me an okay so I changed into warm clothing, we agreed to stop at the store for candy and things we wanted.

“Get in the cart” I begged, pulling him down.

“What? No!” He refused, shaking his head.

“I’ll give you a surprise later...” I said winking. I never gave him a proper kiss so I thought I should tempt him and let his imagination run wild.

“Fine” he said giving in, Climbing into the cart. I stifled a giggle since he looked so huge in comparison. I ran through the aisles, acting childish with him, laughing when he pretended that he was in a space shuttle. I did an abrupt turn and nearly hit a man.

“Boss, what are you doing?”

Harry’s P.O.V:

The calm and carefree feelings I had around y/n left me when I was face to face with one of my workers. I couldn’t seem weak, but most important of all I had to shield her away from my job… These men that I grew to know where killers, if you didn’t get the job done that’s what they would do, and as head boss I never did the dirty work yet I found it so simple to “get rid” of someone at the snap of my fingers. I quickly composed myself and acted all cheerfully.

“Hey buddy” I said all friendly. “I know I beat you at golfing but I didn’t expect you to call me boss all the time.” I said chuckling. I saw y/n giggling lightly to herself, looking away biting her lip to not burst out in a fit of giggles. I turned back to him, giving him a stern look, he knew he couldn’t acknowledge me as boss in a public setting and for that, he was going to pay.

“I- I’ll leave you two” he stammered, walking away cautiously.

“I’ll see you around” I called over him. Shit that was a close one.

“Is everyone nervous around you?” She questioned raising her eyebrow.

“Are you nervous around me?” I said getting on my knees in the cart to face her. She disregarded the questions and gave the cart a hard push, losing my balance I gave her a glare, just to let her know I would get her back.

Your P.O.V:

I didn’t want to answer his question, he knew all too well that he made me nervous… The way his hands would linger on my skin, attempting to reach places that I’ve never had touched before.

Harry paid for the food, refusing to let me pay on our little movie date. We drove in to the theatres, parking his convertible Audi. The movie was an old film in black and white and I was quite honestly bored so I watched Harry glimpsing at him, watched his features twitch and contort to smiles or surprised faces.

“Harry” I said, “I’m gonna get one of those” I said pointing to a giant jawbreaker stand in the distance.

“Okay” he said kissing my nose. I stumbled out of the car, earning a laugh from behind me. Many kids gathered around the stand, gazing in awe at the candy; random couples and single men were also nearby, jeering and cat calling the other girls. Feeling uncomfortable I bought my candy and proceeded to leave when an unknown voice called.

“Now, now, where do you think you’re going pretty girl?”

“Back to my boyfriend” I said nervously.

“Boyfriend, huh?” The man said looking me over,” I don’t see him nearby” he said cackling “do you?” He said getting in my face.

“Uhm I know he’s nearby” I said playing it cool, straining my neck in hopes that he would come. Just my luck, this scary individual decided to bother me when all the people had left, leaving me secluded and an easy target. His clammy hands reached for me, pulling at my arms.

“Don’t touch me!” I screamed, hitting him on his chest.

Do“Get the fuck off of her” a deep voice said, Harry quickly tore the man off of me and pushed him away.

“Pretty boy this is none of your business, are you the ‘boyfriend’ she was talking about?” he mumbled stupidly. Harry’s shoulders were tense and his green eyes were dark and piercing. He walked over slowly, pulling out brass knuckles, and slipping them on nonchalantly. The man’s eyes began to look fearful, any traces of humour wiped of his face.

”No Harry…” I said weakly. The loud sound of skin being opened was poison to my ears, and the cries of the man telling him to stop made me fearful.

“Please stop” I said falling to the ground, crawling over to his leg; Shock coursed through my body yet I knew if I didn’t get him to stop he would become a murderer. 


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