Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

            "We were trying to retrace his steps," Erin said, "He wanted to visit places that would maybe jog his memory. Is there some place special to him he would go after Brooklyn? Places he went during the War?"

Steve face softened slightly and nodded, "I have an idea. I'll go there and hopefully find him."

Erin nodded once. "I'm sorry." She said softly, "I failed you and I failed him." She paused. "You're right, Steve," She said softly, "This is all my fault."                  

Steve's face softened a little, "I didn't mean-"

            "Since I don't have a way to track him yet, I'm going to lay low in D.C. for a few days and see what I can find. I know who was trying to track us and I think they might have some connection to why they want Bucky. I have to go. I'll report back when I can."

            "Erin-" Wanda tried to say something, but Erin cut the connection before either of them could get in another word.


She stared into nothing for a while, trying to piece together how everything had fallen apart so quickly. She was in her father's old office in the house. The walls were painted a maroon color with a dark wooden desk in the middle. Her father hadn't kept many things in this office because they had stopped coming so often once Erin had started middle school, but there was still evidence that he had once been here. Traces of his work could still be found.

Erin's eyes drifted to a touch screen sitting on the desk. It was a STARK prototype Erin realized. It was supposed to be similar to the JARVIS system Tony Stark had.

Erin touched the power button and a translucent screen projected from the tablet. Her fingers moved along the screen, searching for any old files or documents her father might have stored. Her fingers were moving so quickly, she hadn't realized when she pressed the assistant button. "Hello." The automotive voice said. "How can I assist you today?"

Erin stared at it for a moment, hesitant to ask the questions that were on the tip of her tongue. "Look up James Buchanan Barnes, born March 10, 1917" She paused for a moment. She could still turn back, "Also known as The Winter Soldier." Erin added quietly.

The holographic screen displayed all kinds of articles and pictures. Erin scrolled through some of them reading their titles. Some were dated back from the time Bucky fell from the train in 1945. Some were more recent.

War Hero James Barnes Dead. HYDRA kills Sergeant Barnes. Howling Commandos Stable? The Winter Soldier is war hero James Buchanan Barnes?

"Cross reference Matthew William McCall. Born May 18, 1923." She said.

More articles appeared. Captain America Rescues Hundreds from HYDRA. The Howling Commandos: Inside Their Elite Team. Matthew McCall named head of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bio-Mechanics Division. McCall's New Prototype Helps Thousands.

Erin scanned through a thousand headlines and research journals, but if she were being honest, she didn't even know what she was looking for. "Cross reference-"

            "What are you searching for Erin?" Cara's voice came from the doorway.

            Erin spun away from the screen and looked at her. "Nothing." She said quietly shutting off the screen. "I just..."

            "He's gone, Erin. Surely you must have known he would eventually."

            Erin looked at her confused, "That doesn't mean I'm going to stop helping him."

            Cara gave her a pitied look. "You've always had a heart for broken things. It's part of what makes you your father's daughter." She paused, "But broken things often leave more wounds on the ones that fix them."

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