high off of u

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song in listening to rn: High -Sivik

sexuality. something that's been on my mind lately. that along with other things. i do like girls but also guys. but i  feel like im slowly sinking to girls more. just the thought of a penis makes me feel gross you know? i thought i was gay for along time before i met this guy named dante. i liked his face and his personality but i was never sexually attracted to him. maybe it's because I'm 15 but I thought at this age were suppose to be horny for guys. why does life have to be so hard? so complicated. only god knows if he's even real.

i didn't sleep today. i pulled an all nighter and stayed up until now. i probably passed out for like 5 or 10 minutes but not enough, now im not remotely tired. why is that? my body hates me like that. anyone else share the same shit as me?

Valley girls - black bear

'im not looking for love'

what if i am gay?

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