Inside The Chamber

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Krestena's POV

"Ginny, Krestena please wake up" I heard a voice calling and open my eyes slowly.

"Harry, what's wrong with Ginny?" I ask in a hoarse voice. I was very thirsty as Harry helped me sit up and we looked at Ginny. Then I start feeling for my wand and can't find it. "Have you seen my wand?" I ask him.

"You won't be needing it and she won't wake" an other voice states as a sixteen year old boy steps out of the shadows.

"Tom, Tom Riddle?" Harry asks looking at the boy and I stiffen.

"Harry we need to get out of here now, he's hurting her" I state trying to stand to get to Ginny.

"What do you mean she won't wake?" Harry asks Tom ignoring me. Just then I felt something in my boot. I was still in my quidditch robes from when the game was cancelled. And I put my wand in my boot, so that means I still have it. I just need to wait for the right time to strike.

"You got to help us Tom, there's a Basilisk" Harry tells him.

"It won't come until it's called Harry" I tell him.

"She's right it won't" Tom adds smirking.

"Give me my wand Tom" Harry orders holding his hand out.

"You won't be needing it" Tom tells him and I start to go for my wand.

"Harry we got to go, we have to save Ginny" I tell him.

"Afraid I can't allow that Black, you see as she grows weaker I grow stronger" Tom explains.

"Not now, Arania Exumai" I state pointing my wand at him. A bright light blasts Tom back as I finally stand. "Harry grab Ginny and run!" I shout standing in front of them wand drawn. "I warned you apart hurting Ginny Tom" I remind him sneering. "Expelliarmus" I say disarming Tom and I catch Harry's wand.

"You lose Voldemort, surrender" I state.

"What?" Harry asks looking up from where he was trying to pick up Ginny.

"Seriously, you haven't figured it out Harry. Tom Marvolo Riddle is Voldemort" I tell him waving my wand and Ton's name appears before it rearranges to spell. I am Lord Voldemort.

"You're the heir of Slytherin? You're Voldemort?" Harry asks still finding it hard to believe.

"Surely you didn't think I was going to keep my filthy muggle father's name" Tom sneers. "No, I fashioned myself a new name. One I knew every wizard would fear one day when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world" he declares.

"Albus Dumbledore is the greatest Sorcerer in the world!" Harry and I yell at him.

"Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me" Tom states.

"He'll never be gone" Harry states.

"Not why those who remain are loyal to him" I add. A bird cry sounded and we all turn to see a phoenix heading our way holding something in it's talons. It dropped what ever it was in front of Harry who caught it, before flying off again.

"So this is what Dumbledore sends his great defenders a song bird and an old hat" Tom sneers before turning away to look at the stone head. He said something in parcel tongue holding his hand out and the mouth began to open. I hid mine and Harry's wand grabbing his hand as we back away.

"Let's match the power of Lord Voldemort Heir of Salazar Slytherin against the famous Harry Potter and you Black" Tom states. Harry drops the hat and starts running dragging me along. Tom gives the snake an order in parcel tongue before telling Harry that the snake will only obey him.

I fall taking Harry down with me and we cover our heads as we heard a bird screech and the basilisk hissing in angry/pain. "No, your bird maybe have blinded the Basilisk. But it can still hear you" Tom tells us as we standing backing away. Harry steps on a loose break making a sound and the Basilisk looks at us. I grab Harry's hand this time dragging him into the pipes.

But we reach a dead end and turn around to see the blind Basilisk closing in. We hold our breathes as I go for our wands as we bend down. However, Harry grabs a rock and tosses it down another tunnel away from us. It grabbed the Basilisk's attention and it left. I lead Harry back to the Chamber and we collapse beside Ginny.

"Yes the process is nearly complete and Ginny Weasley will be dead. And I'll seize to be a memory" Tom tells us. "Lord Voldemort will return very much alive" he states. Just then the Basilisk reappears as a sword appears from the sorting hat. Harry grabs it and runs to the statue while I remain still. The Basilisk goes after him and I try think of a way to delay it, but nothing comes to mind.

Harry managed to reach the top of the head narrowly avoiding the Basilisk's strikes. He then swings the sword madly at the snake. Who then knocks him over with it's head. Making Harry drop the sword, but he managed to grab it before it fell off the head. He then rammed it into the snakes skull through  it's open mouth. But something dropped digging into Harry's arm and he pulls it out.

The Basilisk falls down dead in front of Tom and I as Harry climbs back down. "Amazing isn't it, how quickly the venom penetrates the body" Tom states. "I guess you have a little more then a minute to live" he adds. I grab the basilisk fang beside Harry and Tom's diary from Ginny. "What are you doing?" he asks me.

"This is for hurting Ginny" I state before ramming the fang into the one side of the diary. Then the other before closing it and ramming the fang into the cover. Tom disappeared and Ginny finally woke up. "You owe me big time Ginny" I tell her. Just then the Phoenix reappeared landing in front of Harry and cried onto his wound.

"Of course Phoenix tears have healing powers" Harry states looking at his healed wound. "It's over Ginny and Krestena" he tells us smiling. "It's just a memory" he adds.

"Let's hope it stays that way this time" I say chuckling. "oh here's your wand, let's get out of here" I state returning Harry's wand. He takes it and starts leading us to the way out holding the sword. While I held the fang and sorting hat.

"What happened to him?" Ginny asks after Ron stopped hugging her pointing to Lockhart.

"He lost his memory" Ron mumbles.

"I think that'll be a huge improvement" I state. Harry and I grabbed a leg each while Ginny holds onto me. And the other two hold onto Harry as the Phoenix flies us up out of the pipes into Myrtle's bathroom. I then lead them all to McGonagall's office with the Phoenix beside me. Once there Harry knocked and we all entered the office.


Gif above of the basilisk.

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