My Happiness

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My Happiness -

I'd like you to color my eyes blue.

Do things look different when they're seen through the sky?

Maybe hills turn into oceans while rain-rimmed clouds

turn their backs; chaos prospers blissfully with lack of a watchful eye.

I'd like to hike the ocean while rain spills onto giggling hilltops.

Can I run my fingertips along the freedom of sound?

My ears cannot give my mouth the words to convey its nature;

subtlety of whispers, silence, omnipotent thunder

all claim the single voice of sound.

Thunder me blue through the clear black sky

I want to wonder at the absence of my echo.

Clean, pure, whistle-sharp world,

I'd like to be tangled in your ropes of sunshine;

they hang down like tree-swing vines, beckoning stored-away adventure.

To swallow your air, to climb the stars with my eyes

to feel your words in my throat, to know that I can love;

this is what I've discovered my happiness to be.

-Noelle Burchfield

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