#47 You guys watch Hindi movies together

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Harry: You and Harry have a thing for Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. You always loved that movie even though you always read the subtitles. But you know the movie like it's the back of your hand. So does Harry after watching it a few times with you.

Niall: No Problem. You always were a fan of funny Indian's movies. So Niall caught you watching it a couple of times. He watched it with you but you saw confusion written all over his face so you turned on the subtitles so you can make it clearer to him. Which helped too cause he was now understanding it better.

Zayn: Don. You and Zayn loved gangsters's movies and you heard that Don 2 was awesome. So you went to the cinema but Zayn wanted to go along with you. After the movie he insisted that you buy the movie. Now whenever he's free you watch it with him almost every time.

Liam: Om Shanti Om. You're absolutely in love with thay movie. It's like how the girl friend zoned the guy that loves her with all his heart but she fell for the wrong guy that burned her alive and the guy that loves her sees it all he was about to save her but he was to late and also because two guys showed up and they were beating him. So they both ended up dieing. Liam came home and saw you in tears he immediately came over to you and thought that the hate was bothering you but you just shook your head and you both watched the movie and he also ended up in tears.

Louis: Krissh3.It's like he's the Indian superman. Louis just put it on a channel and the film was playing you squealed and Louis looked at you crazily. "I love this movie it's like he's an Indian superman." you said to him. He just chuckled amd cuddled closer to you and you both watched the movie


Hey guys I found this amazing joke I hope ya'll like it her it is

A little girl asked her mom how the human race began and the mother said  "That God created Adam and Eve and they started to make children and that's how the human race began."  the girl nodded. The next day she asked her father the same question and the father said  "Well the human race began with apes us human we evolved from apes."  The girl frowned and went to her mother and said  "Mom you told me that God created Adam and Eve and they had children but that told me that we came from apes."
"Well babe I told you about my family and your dad told you about his."
One time three drunkards went in a taxi. The taxi driver knew that theu were drunk so he started the car amd turned it off again. "We're here." the taxi driver said. The first one thanked him and got out of the taxi. The second one gave him the money and got out of the car. The third one slapped him across the cheeck. The driver was shocked he thought that the third one knew what he was doing. "Why did you slap me?" the driver asked. "Watch your speed you nearly killed us!" the third one said and he got out of the car

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