.:Kyle:. The Book of Memories

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Laying on the bed that belonged to your best friend, Kyle Broflovski, you were writing math equations. Yay, what a way to spend your Saturday morning, with none other than a good ol' study date. Sighing for the 20th time, you groaned and rolled over-hitting your head up against the jewish boy's knee-whining.
"Stop, don't talk like fatass." Huffing, you pulled on the loose fabric of his jeans.
"But Kyle I'm boooored." He ignored you, used to your antics by now. Pouting slightly you rolled off the bed-yet got into a standing position quickly-and stretched. Unaware of the emerald orbs tracing your body as you did so. Turing around, you also didn't notice the pink that dusted along his face.
"Imma go find Ike, at least he'll talk to me." Not waiting for an answer, you walked out of his bedroom. Down the stairs you went, towards the living room where you knew the little Canadian boy would be. You were right, for said little boy was on the ground, playing with a few of his toys. Which mostly consisted of knights.
"Hey bud, what's going on with my favorite man." Ike look up with a grin, childlike eyes holding excitement.
"(Y/N)! Look look, sit down I'll show you." You did what he asked, criss crossing your legs beneath you on the floor, as you rested your head along the arm of the couch. He handed you a book.
"Read this while I set the armies up, so you'll know more about it." The book seemed pretty warn. The front looked was leather and a deep brown, and reminded you of the books on different shows that held secrets and mysteries-Like gravity falls or supernatural books. Opening it, you were baffled at how fancy the top letters looked, as they spelled out 'The Stick of truth'. Reading more, you came across the introduction, handwriting seeming very familiar.
"For a thousand years, the battle has been waged. The sole reason humans and elves are locked in a never ending war: The Stick of Truth. But the tides of war are soon to change as word of a new kid spreads throughout the land, his coming foretold by the stars. As the moving vans of prophecy drive away, your adventure begins. Arm yourself with weapons of legend to defeat crab people, underpants gnomes, hippies and other forces of evil.

Discover the lost Stick of Truth and earn your place at the side of the Elf king-because that fatass Grand Wizard sucks. Succeed, and you shall be South Park's savior, holding glory and honor everywhere you go. Fail, however, and you will forever be known... as a loser."

You let out small giggles, fully remembering the game they played during their childhood. Unfortunately, you had gotten a terrible cold, so you couldn't go out to play for a whole week. Yet even after feeling better, knowing everyone was so far ahead already, you decided to give up on playing. Reading further, you noticed pictures and not badly drawn sketches. The events went through the training that had happened, along with all the weird things that transpired after-like the stick vanishing, to the new taco bell. Along with the nazi zombies and Princess Kenny going berserk, for she was the true holder of the stick. As Ike showed you certain battles that he's read, you continued reading. Finally stopping at the end. The part where the great stick was thrown into the "crashing waters of the bottomless lake" Smiling gently you flipped to the last page, to see a picture that shocked you. Kyle had his arm around your shoulders with a goofy smile. His curly, red locks peeked out from his hat and crown of sticks. Your child self was wearing, what looked like to be a thief's costume, as well as one of those small, forehead crown things[A/N like what Butters wears, it's really late here and I can't think of the name]. Because even though you were far behind, the alliance needed help, so of course you agreed.(Better late than never). In the picture you looked to be blushing, but you were smiling nonetheless. The small text underneath the picture made you blush, as you rush quickly back up to Kyle's room. Bursting in, you caused Kyle to almost fall of the bed.
"(Y/N) what the hell? What's wrong? You oka-" you cut him off by hugging him. Kyle stiffened before wrapping his arms around you, face going the color of his hair at the sudden burst of affection.
"(Y/N) I-er.. wh-wha-" You grinned up at him, blush mirroring his own.
"Hey Kyle.. still want me to be your Elf Queen?" You laughed as eyes widened. You eyebrows began to move up and down, embarrassing the poor teen. He moved his face into the crook of you neck, effectively shutting you up. He began to mumble, which caused the vibrations to run through your body, making you gasp. He chuckled-tickling you again-and smirked lightly before speaking clearly.
"Why, wish to become my queen?" You bit you lip to stop a squeal from coming out as Kyle began to nibble on you neck.
" K-Kyyyl-" Still holding you, he flipped positions, letting him tower over you. (Ruining his sexy aura for the moment) He grinned joyfully-just like in the picture.
"Well?" Looking up, you grabbed his collar and brought him down into a sweet kiss.
"Does that answer your question, my king~" You teased. Chuckling he, moved your hair away from your eyes.
"Hell ya it does."
"Then what are you waiting for? Kiss me again."

"The Elf King was happy, for all was normal back in his kingdom-even the stupid KKK was back to normal, which maybe wasn't a good thing. Nonetheless, the king was able to sit back and relax-with the beautiful maiden he considered his Queen. Although, she wasn't at all his, he did hope to one day capture her heart, they way she was able to capture his. Even if she didn't know it. That thief "

"(Y/N)! What happened? You were playing with me-ewww!"
"Sorry Ike, (Y/N) is playing with me now."
"Dammit Kyle."
"Hey it's not my fault you barged in here without closing the door-" He was cut off by a slam.
"Hey that works too, now my queen. Where were we?~"


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