Once Upon A Time

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Hjwshubxwhdbxeduhxnuhedxnedhunxeudhnx Oops, I was just practicing on the keyboard...okay..let's start.



Once upon a time there were six girls who lived across the....um,earth. Argentina,United States,and,um,um,that's pretty much it. Actually, Mica lives in Canada(inside joke.) Okay,anyway...These six girls decided to live in an RV & travel the entire North America continent for one summer. All of the girls are in their late teens & all of them come from money. They can do anything they want, really. There is Jules, who is an optimist & loves to make people laugh & there is Chloe, who has been Jules' bestie since grade school. Chloe is a dreamer, but her dreams usually come true. She knows how to make things happen. Ally & Anna are sisters. Ally is the life of the party, while Anna is a little quieter. Mica is intelligent, sometimes a little too smart for her own good, but she also is the peacemaker. She is the first one to break up a fight or settle an argument. Haley is sweet & is the mom to the group. She takes care of everyone & everyone listens to her.

The RV was a gift from Mica's parents for graduating high school with over a 4 point GPA. It was a luxurious & humongous RV, having all the bells & whistles & then some. The beds were bunks, but the girls didn't care, they were comfy & roomy. They all had money, so they could afford any hotel they wanted.

Before the girls decided to drive all over the continent, they hired a driver. The driver was Joe Jonas, who was looking for a new line of work since his band, the Jonas Brothers broke up. He loved to drive & loved to travel, so it was a no brainer. Jules is dating Joe's brother, Nick, so that's how Joe heard about the road trip adventure. Nick was working, so he wasn't joining the adventure for a few weeks. He promised, though, that he would bring Demi Lovato with him when he joined the trip. All of the girls idolized Demi & were excited to have her hang out with them, if even for a day. A few of the girls may or may not have girl crushes on Demi, so this trip would be interesting.

The RV was taking off from California on a Sunday morning & heading up the coast toward Seattle. They all figured they'd drive through the town of Forks & see if they could find some vampires or werewolves. Just for kicks. The town was real, so maybe sparkling vampires or hot werewolves were real as well.

Jules & Chloe were first to arrive at the garage where they were picking up the RV. It was already packed from the night before, so it was ready to go. Joe was leaning on the RV, playing on his phone when the girls approached. When he heard their footsteps, Joe looked up & his mouth nearly dropped to the ground as he laid eyes on Chloe. Jules noticed & nudged Chloe, who looked away, nervously. Jules introduced them, since they hadn't met face to face yet. Chloe had butterflies in her stomach, though, seeing Joe check her out. He was pretty obvious about it. He was thanking the good Lord that he was single at the moment, so he could get to know Chloe, while on this road trip. And he was also thinking how glad he was that if they dated their name would be the same... Bonus.

Joe flirted with Chloe, while they all waited for everyone else to arrive. Once everyone got there, they got ready to take off on the greatest, most random road trip that ever would be. They were going to have fun. They were going to live on the edge. They were going to leave it all behind. They were going to see the world. (Well at least one continent.) They could pick up hitch hikers, if people still did that. They could do whatever they wanted because they were all free. Free to be weird. Free to be stupid. Free to be awesome. Free to be whatever the fuck they wanted to be. Let the silliness begin.

Just as the door of the RV closed, there was a horn beeping outside. Mica got up, since she was the closest. "The fuck?" She said in an annoyed voice. She looked out the window & made a sound of disgust, "Some idiot parked a bright yellow car in front of the RV."

All the girls got up to go outside. They all watched in shock as Justin Bieber got out of the yellow sports car. "I heard you guys are going on the most awesome road trip ever & I want to come." Justin said, in a cocky tone of voice.

Anna pushed her way to the front of the group of girls. "How the hell did you hear about our adventure?"

Justin clicked his tongue. "I'm Justin Bieber. I know everything that is going on. And it's all over twitter."

Anna turned around, hands on her hips. "Who the fuck put this on twitter?"

Ally raised her arm, slowly. "I didn't think anyone famous would see it." She shrugged her shoulders, innocently. "I guess it's turning into a celebrity party bus." She giggled as she batted her lashes at Justin, who winked at her.

"Jesus. Get on the fuckin RV, Biebs. But pull your pants up first." Haley piped in. "Everyone get on the RV. We need to get this show on the road."

Everyone obeyed Haley, because that's what you do when Haley gives you an order. Justin & Joe fist bumped a greeting, then Justin took a spot right by the captain's seat, where Joe sat, to drive the party vehicle. This was going to be quite an adventure alright. Especially since two of the girls were eyeballing Justin like he was a tall drink of water & they were in the desert. There could be trouble up in this RV now.


Thank you Jules for writing this amaze balls chapter :D

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